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Bertha H Chen, MD

Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Obstetrics & Gynecology - Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Gynecology


  • Board Certified


Bertha H Chen, MD is a Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Obstetrics & Gynecology - Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Gynecology practicing in… Read more ›

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Provider Training

Stanford University School of Medicine- Stanford CaOther Degree1991
Stanford University School of MedicineMedical Degree1991

Residency - Stanford University Hospital, Obstetrics And GynecologyNot Specified
Residency - Stanford University HospitalNot Specified
Residency - Stanford University Program Not Specified

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Obstetrics and GynecologyObstetrics and GynecologyNot Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationJOURL OF UROLOGYBiomechanical Properties2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF UROLOGYRobot-Assisted Versus Open Sacrocolpopexy: A Cost-Minimization Alysis2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYECOLOGY RESEARCHIdentification of protein marker2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF UROLOGYAlterations in Connective Tissue Metabolism in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse2011
Other PublicationStudies in health technology and informaticsVisualization of pelvic floor reflex and voluntary contractions.2011
Other PublicationNEUROUROLOGY AND URODYMICSExpression of Apoptotic Factors in Vagil Tissues From Women With Urogenital Prolapse2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF LOWER GENITAL TRACT DISEASEPreputial Epidermoid Cyst: An Atypical Case of Acquired Pseudoclitoromegaly2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF SEXUAL MEDICINERadiofrequency Treatment of Vagil Laxity after Vagil Delivery: Nonsurgical Vagil Tightening2010
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYTransforming growth interacting factor expression in leiomyoma compared with myometrium2010
Other PublicationINTERTIOL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURLIs lysyl oxidase-like protein-1, alpha-1 antitrypsin2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINERetained Products of Conception Spectrum of Color Doppler Findings2009
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYRelaxin increases elastase activity2009
Other PublicationSEMIRS IN ULTRASOUND CT AND MRIEmergency Gynecologic Imaging2008
Other PublicationREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCESEffect of relaxin on TGF2008
Other PublicationHUMAN REPRODUCTIONIs alpha 2-macroglobulin important in female stress uriry incontinence?2008
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYExpression of CD9 in frozen-thawed mouse oocytes: prelimiry experience2007
Other PublicationHUMAN REPRODUCTIONDifferences in mR and protein expression of small proteoglycans in vagil wall tissue from women2007
Other PublicationMolecular human reproductionIncreased expression of latent TGF-beta binding protein-12007
Other PublicationMATURITASAcupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes2007
Other PublicationNEUROUROLOGY AND URODYMICSThe role of neutrophil elastase2007
Other PublicationOBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYSevere vagil pain caused by a neuroma in the rectovagil septum after posterior colporrhaphy2006
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYA randomized controlled pilot study of acupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes2006
Other PublicationHUMAN REPRODUCTIONDo extracellular matrix protein expressions change with cyclic reproductive hormones2006
Other PublicationHealth care for women intertiolFemale uriry incontinence in Chi: experiences and perspectives.2006
Other PublicationGYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATIONMetastatic mantle cell lymphoma presenting as a vagil mass - A case report2006
Other PublicationHUMAN REPRODUCTIONMicroarray alysis of differentially expressed genes2006
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYElastin metabolism in pelvic tissues: Is it modulated by reproductive hormones?2005
Other PublicationNEUROUROLOGY AND URODYMICSElastolytic activity in women with stress uriry incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse2004
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYBench to bedside: clinical opportunities for microarray alysis2003
Other PublicationFERTILITY AND STERILITYDistinctive proliferative phase differences in gene expression in human myometrium and leiomyomata2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYMenstrual phase-dependent gene expression differences in periurethral vagil tissue from women with2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYDifferences in estrogen modulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteise-12003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYAbdomil myomectomy versus uterine fibroid embolization2003
Other PublicationINTERTIOL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURLCollagen metabolism and turnover in women with stress uriry incontience and pelvic prolapse2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYVirtual endoscopy using perspective volume-rendered three-dimensiol sonographic Data1999
Other PublicationWESTERN JOURL OF MEDICINEDysfunctiol uterine bleeding1998

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Bertha H Chen, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that she is affiliated with.


Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Sub-Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynecology - Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Sub-Specialty: Gynecology

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Years In Practice: 27 (started in 1998)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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