Christopher M Mann, MD is a Anesthesiologist - General, Anesthesiologist - Pediatric Anesthesiologist practicing in Fort Worth, TX
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University | Degree | Focus | Graduated |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas | Medical Degree | 1989 | |
University of Ok College of Medicine, Oklahoma City Ok | Other Degree | 2003 |
Institution | Focus | Year |
Internship - Children's Medical Center of Dallas-MSO | Not Specified | |
Residency - In His Image Inc, Family Medicine | Not Specified | |
Residency - University Of Wa School Of Med | Not Specified | |
Residency - Johns Hopkins University Affiliated Hospitals | Not Specified | |
Residency - Children's Medical Center Dallas | Not Specified | |
Residency - University of Washington School of Medicine Program | Not Specified |
Certification | Cert. Body | Year |
Anesthesiology | Anesthesiology | Not Specified |
Role | Organization | Time |
Member | Cook Children's Physician Network | Present |
Christopher M Mann, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Years In Practice: 28 (started in 1996)
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Christopher M Mann, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Christopher M Mann, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.