Dr. Arthur Rosenbaum, DPM is a Podiatrist (Foot Specialist) - Podiatrist practicing in New York, NY
He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
Dr. Arthur Rosenbaum, DPM has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Arthur Rosenbaum, DPM has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. Arthur Rosenbaum, DPM has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Back on my feet”
Dr.Rosenbaum has continually impressed me with his warmth and genuine concern, which was only surpassed by his skill and professionalism. I highly recommend him!!Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ Back on my feet ”
Dr.Rosenbaum has continually impressed me with his warmth and genuine concern, which was only surpassed by his skill and professionalism. I highly recommend him!!