Dr. Carlos Eduardo Milla, MD
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Dr. Carlos Eduardo Milla, MD

Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Pediatric Pulmonology


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Dr. Carlos Eduardo Milla, MD is a Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Pediatric Pulmonology practicing in Palo Alto, CA

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Provider Training

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Facultad de Medicina Alberto HurtadoMedical Degree1986

Internship - Kings County Hospital CenterNot Specified
Residency - SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn Program Not Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of respiratory and critical care medicineMutations in RSPH1 Cause Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia with a Unique Clinical and Ciliary Phenotype.2014
Other PublicationAnls of the American Thoracic SocietyStandardizing sal nitric oxide measurement as a test for primary ciliary dyskinesia.2013
Other PublicationCurrent opinion in pediatricsCystic fibrosis in the era of genomic medicine.2013
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HUMAN GENETICSExome Sequencing Identifies Mutations in CCDC114 as a Cause of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia2013
Other PublicationThe Jourl of molecular diagnostics : JMDNovel CFTR Variants Identified during the First 3 Years of Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening
Other PublicationSCIENCE TRANSLATIOL MEDICINEQuantitative Alysis of the Human Airway Microbial Ecology Reveals a Perv2012
Other PublicationOTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERYEffect of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery on Pulmory Status of Adults with Cystic Fibrosis2012
Other PublicationPAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY REVIEWSPulmory Complications of Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders2012
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYDiagnostic Yield of sal Scrape Biopsies in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Multicenter Experience2011
Other PublicationPediatric pulmonologyDiagnostic yield of sal scrape biopsies in primary ciliary dyskinesia: A multicenter experience.
Other PublicationJOURL OF CYSTIC FIBROSISCharacteristics of gastroesophageal reflux in adults with cystic fibrosis2010
Other PublicationBONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONPre-transplant risk factors affecting outcome in Hurler syndrome2010
Other PublicationRESPIRATORY CAREComparison of Settings Used for High-Frequency Chest-Wall Compression in Cystic Fibrosis2010
Other PublicationSEMIRS IN RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINENutrition in Cystic Fibrosis2009
Other PublicationPAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY REVIEWSCystic fibrosis related diabetes2009
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYLongitudil Assessment of Lung Function From Infancy to Childhood in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis2009
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYAssociations of Psychosocial Factors With Health Outcomes Among Youth With Cystic Fibrosis2009
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYSteroid-sparing effect of Omalizumab for allergic bronchopulmory aspergillosis and cystic fibrosis2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF CYSTIC FIBROSISGender differences in treatment adherence among youth with cystic fibrosis2008
Other PublicationCHESTComparison of high-frequency chest wall oscillation with differing waveforms for airway clearance2007
Other PublicationDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCESHepatolithiasis and Cholangiocarcinoma in cystic fibrosis2007
Other PublicationHUMAN GENE THERAPYRepeated aerosolized AAV-CFTR for treatment of cystic fibrosis2007
Other PublicationCLINICS IN CHEST MEDICINENutrition and lung disease in cystic fibrosis2007
Other PublicationDIABETES CAREMicrovascular complications in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes2007
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYMicrobiology, safety2006
Other PublicationBiomedical instrumentation & technologyDifferent frequencies should be prescribed for different high frequency chest compression machines.2006
Other PublicationBIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONInflammatory cytokines2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRICSCystic fibrosis pulmory exacerbations2006
Other PublicationDIABETES CAREDiabetes is associated with dramatically decreased survival2005
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYAbsence of host tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 attenuates manifestations of idiopathic pneumonia2005
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYSafety and tolerability of denufosol tetrasodium inhalation solution2005
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGYAltered airway responsiveness in CD38-deficient mice2005
Other PublicationBIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONtural history of pulmory complications in children after bone marrow transplantation2005
Other PublicationMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTALInsulin regulation of free fatty acid kinetics2004
Other PublicationCURRENT OPINION IN PULMORY MEDICINEAssociation of nutritiol status and pulmory function in children with cystic fibrosis2004
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYMyeloperoxidase deficiency enhances inflammation after allogeneic marrow transplantation2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF LABORATORY AND CLINICAL MEDICINEPeroxidase activity within circulating neutrophils correlates with pulmory phenotype2004
Other Publicationjourl of allergy and clinical immunologyMethodologic advancements in the study of airway smooth muscle.2004
Other PublicationBiomedical instrumentation & technologyHigh-frequency chest compression: effect of the third generation compression waveform.2004
Other PublicationCHESTRepeated adeno-associated virus serotype 2 aerosol2004
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYSurfactant protein A is a required mediator of keratinocyte growth factor after experimental marrow2003
Other PublicationPEDIATRICSLongitudil changes in growth parameters are correlated with changes in pulmory function in children2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONSafety of inhaled nitric oxide after lung transplantation2003
Other PublicationPediatric diabetesInsulin glargine improves hemoglobin A1c in children2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRICSAbnormal glucose tolerance in cystic fibrosis: Why should patients be screened?2003
Other PublicationPEDIATRICSContinuous propofol infusion in 142 critically ill children2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGYSurfactant protein A decreases lung injury and mortality after murine marrow transplantation2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL NUTRITIONAbnormal lipid concentrations in cystic fibrosis2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYEffects of oxidant stress on inflammation2001
Other PublicationDIABETES CAREInsulin and glucose excursion following premeal insulin lispro or repaglinide in cystic fibrosis2001
Other PublicationDIABETESProtein metabolism in clinically stable adult cystic fibrosis patients with abnormal glucose2001
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGYHuman surfactant protein A suppresses T cell-dependent inflammation2001
Other PublicationMilla, C. E., Warwick, W. J., Moran, A.Trends in pulmory function in patients with cystic fibrosis correlate with the degree of glucose2000
Other PublicationCornfield, D. N., Mayrd, R. C., deRegnier, R. A., Guiang, S. F., BarbaRandomized, controlled trial of low-dose inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of term and near1999
Other PublicationLANCETRecombint human Dse in cystic fibrosis1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYNO causes perital pulmory vasodilation through K+-channel activation and intracellular Ca2+ release1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGYHigh levels of peroxynitrite are generated1999
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYAllergic bronchopulmory aspergillosis and cystic fibrosis1999
Other PublicationTHORAXLong term effects of aerosolised rhDse on pulmory disease progression1998
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONEffects of inhaled nitric oxide and oxygen in high-altitude pulmory edema1998
Other PublicationCHESTRisk of death in cystic fibrosis patients with severely compromised lung function1998
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINEPCR ribotyping and endonuclease subtyping in the epidemiology of Burkholderia cepacio infection1997
Other PublicationJOURL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITIONGlycemic response to dietary supplements1996
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGYClinical significance of the recovery of Aspergillus species from the respiratory secretions of1996

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Dr. Carlos Eduardo Milla, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Sub-Specialty: Pediatric Pulmonology

Years In Practice: 32 (started in 1993)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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