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Dr. Cheryl Gore-Felton, PHD

Psychologist - Clinical


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Dr. Cheryl Gore-Felton, PHD is a Psychologist - Clinical practicing in Menlo Park, CA

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Provider Training

Internship - Palo Alto VA Healthcare System CA 1996
Fellowship - Stanford University Medical Center CA 1999

Experience & Accolades

Associate ChairDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2011 - 2014

Institute for Women's Health and Leadership at Drexel University CollHedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) 2011-2012

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationJourl of health psychologyGeneral self-efficacy in relation to unprotected sexual encounters among persons living with HIV.2013
Other PublicationCHILD ABUSE & NEGLECTThe impact of childhood bullying among HIV-positive men: Psychosocial correlates and risk factors2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINEAttachment style and coping in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among adults2013
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIORSexual Risk Behaviors by Relationship Type2013
Other PublicationQUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCHThe impact of denial on health-related quality of life in patients with HIV2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINESexual minority status and trauma symptom severity in men living with HIV/AIDS2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF SUBSTANCE USELiquor before beer, you're in the clear: binge drinking and other risk behaviours among fraternity2012
Other PublicationAIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIVHIV disclosure patterns, predictors2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATIONRelationships Among Childhood Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCHTrauma, dissociation, and antiretroviral adherence among persons living with HIV/AIDS2011
Other PublicationTELEMEDICINE JOURL AND E-HEALTHA Review of Efficacious Technology-Based Weight-Loss Interventions: Five Key Components2010
Other PublicationJourl of the Intertiol Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (ChicagoA pilot study investigating the effects of trauma, experiential avoidance2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF SEX RESEARCHReactions of Heterosexual African American Men to Women's Condom Negotiation Strategies2010
Other PublicationQUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCHPersol Values and Meaning in the Use of Methamphetamine Among HIV2009
Other PublicationSEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICYRelationship Power, Acculturation2009
Other PublicationBEHAVIORAL MEDICINEInfluenced Coping, Social Support2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGYSpiritual Striving, Acceptance Coping, and Depressive Symptoms among Adults Living with HIV/AIDS2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSEAlcohol Use and Sexual Risk Behavior among College Students2009
Other PublicationAIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIVQuality of life, psychosocial health2009
Other PublicationPSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINEBehavioral mediation of the relationship between psychosocial factors and HIV disease progression2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF SEX RESEARCHCondom use negotiation in heterosexual African American adults2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN ANLS OF THE DEAFLessons learned from more than two decades of HIV2008
Other PublicationAIDS AND BEHAVIORMedication adherence and sexual risk behavior among HIV-Infected adults2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF INTERPERSOL VIOLENCERelationships of depression to child and adult abuse and bodily pain among women who have2007
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGYDepressive symptomatology among HIV-positive women in the era of HAART: A stress and coping model2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGYEffects of quality of life and coping on depression among adults living with HIV/AIDS2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF FAMILY VIOLENCEChildhood sexual abuse and HIV risk among men who have sex with men2006
Other PublicationAIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDSPositive provider interactions, adherence self-efficacy2006
Other PublicationAIDS EDUCATION AND PREVENTIONPerceived partner serostatus, attribution of responsibility for prevention of HIV transmission2006
Other PublicationAIDSOutcomes of a randomized2005
Other PublicationAIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDSSocial support and maladaptive coping as predictors of the change in physical health symptoms among2005
Other PublicationMEDICAL CAREInsurance coverage, usual source of care2005
Other PublicationAIDS AND BEHAVIORDemographic characteristics, treatment history2005
Other PublicationDRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCEPredictors of substance use frequency2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MAGEMENTPerceived adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy2005
Other PublicationAIDS EDUCATION AND PREVENTIONThe Healthy Living Project2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCHSleep disturbances among HIV-positive adults - The role of pain, stress, and social support2004
Other PublicationPREVENTIVE MEDICINEThe changing age of HIV: sexual risk among older African American women living in rural communities2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF DRUG ISSUESCharacteristics and hiv risk behaviors among injection drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia2004
Other PublicationSCIENCEDistance communication transfer of HIV prevention interventions to service providers2004
Other PublicationJAIDS-JOURL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMESHIV transmission risk behavior among men and women living with HIV in 4 cities in the United States2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTHHIV risk behavior among ethnically diverse adolescents living in low-income housing developments2004
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF STD & AIDSDrug use and sexual risk behaviours among female Russian IDUs who exchange sex for money or drugs2004
Other PublicationJourl of child sexual abuseTrauma symptoms, sexual behaviors2004
Other PublicationAIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDSTheory-guided, empirically supported avenues for intervention on HIV medication nodherence2003
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF STD & AIDSCorrelates of sexually transmitted disease infection among adults living with HIV2003
Other Publicationjourl of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JACAltertive therapies: a common practice among men and women living with HIV.2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSEThe influence of gender on factors2003
Other PublicationPSYCHOSOMATICSRelationship of functiol quality of life to strategies2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF INTERPERSOL VIOLENCERecent stressful life events, sexual revictimization2002
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGYThe influence of social support2002
Other PublicationAIDS EDUCATION AND PREVENTIONCharacteristics and predictors of HIV risk behaviors among injection-drug2002
Other PublicationJOURL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINECoping, social support2002
Other PublicationBEHAVIORAL MEDICINEPsychological distress among minority and low-income women living with HIV2002
Other PublicationPRIMARY CAREHIV: effectiveness of complementary and altertive medicine2002
Other PublicationEVALUATION & THE HEALTH PROFESSIONSAn example of maximizing survey return rates - Methodological issues for health professiols2002
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINEAcute stress reactions to recent life events among women and men living with HIV/AIDs2002
Other PublicationCHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENTPsychiatric functioning and substance use2002
Other PublicationPREVENTIVE MEDICINESociodemographic characteristics associated with medical appointment adherence among HIV2001
Other PublicationFocus (San Francisco, Calif.)HIV disease, violence, and post-traumatic stress.2001
Other PublicationJOURL OF SEX RESEARCHUnwanted sexual experiences and sexual risks in gay and bisexual men2001
Other PublicationJourl of child sexual abuseAcute stress reactions to everyday stressful life events among sexual abuse survivors with PTSD.2001
Other PublicationJourl of child sexual abuseRelationships of sexual, physical2001
Other PublicationAIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIVRelationships of perceived stress to coping2000
Other PublicationPROFESSIOL PSYCHOLOGY-RESEARCH AND PRACTICEPsychologists' beliefs and clinical characteristics2000
Other PublicationPSYCHOLOGY & HEALTHThe relationship between pain and coping styles among HIV-positive men and women2000
Other PublicationAGGRESSION AND VIOLENT BEHAVIORA review of acute stress reactions among victims of violence: Implications for early intervention1999
Other PublicationEUROPEAN JOURL OF CANCERImproving the quality and quantity of life among patients with cancer1999
Other PublicationCHILD ABUSE & NEGLECTPsychologists' beliefs about the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse1999

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Dr. Cheryl Gore-Felton, PHD has not yet indicated the hospitals that she is affiliated with.


Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Psychologist - Sub-Specialty: Clinical

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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