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Dr. Eswar E Krishnan, MD

Allergist-Immunologist - General


  • Board Certified


Dr. Eswar E Krishnan, MD is a Allergist-Immunologist - General practicing in Reading, PA

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Provider Training

Medical College, University Of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, IndiaOther Degree1993

Residency - Stanford University Hospital, RheumatologyNot Specified

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Internal medicineInternal MedicineNot Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Hospitalized Patients With Systemic Sclerosis2014
Other PublicationRheumatic diseases clinics of North AmericaGout and the heart.2014
Other PublicationPloS oneHealth and Exercise-Related Medical Issues among 1,212 Ultramarathon Runners2014
Other PublicationJMIR Med InformBig Data and Clinicians: A Review on the State of the Science2014
Other PublicationArthritis and rheumatism1extending the floor and the ceiling for assessment of physical function.
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMChronic Kidney Disease2013
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATIONUpper-Extremity and Mobility Subdomains From the Patient2013
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMCitrullition Within the Atherosclerotic Plaque2013
Other PublicationArthritis research & therapyAtherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and dermatomyositis2013
Other PublicationAnls of the rheumatic diseasesTophaceous gout and high level of hyperuricaemia are both associated with increased risk of
Other PublicationThe Jourl of rheumatologySerum Urate and Incidence of Kidney Disease Among Veterans with Gout.
Other PublicationQJM : monthly jourl of the Association of PhysiciansRelative and attributable diabetes risk associated with hyperuricemia in US veterans with gout.
Other PublicationChronic illnessThe components of action planning and their associations with behavior and health outcomes.
Other PublicationJourl of strength and conditioning research / tiol Strength & ConditioExercise Habits of Ultramarathon Runners: Baseline Findings from the ULTRA Study.
Other PublicationIntertiol Jourl of Clinical RheumatologyWhat have the Framingham cohorts taught us about hyperuricemia and gout?2013
Other PublicationJourl of physical activity & healthBody Mass Index and its Correlates in 1,212 Ultramarathon Runners
Other PublicationAnls of the rheumatic diseasesResponsiveness and minimally important difference for the Patient
Other PublicationArthritis research & therapyDevelopment and assessment of floor and ceiling items for the PROMIS physical function item bank.2013
Other PublicationArthritis care & researchThe Filipino Gout- A Review.
Other PublicationArthritis research & therapyTrends in physician diagnosed gout and gout therapies in the US2013
Other PublicationPLOS ONEReduced Glomerular Function and Prevalence of Gout: NHANES 2009-102012
Other PublicationTURE MEDICINEDecline in miR-181a expression with age impairs T cell receptor sensitivity by increasing DUSP62012
Other PublicationExpert review of clinical pharmacologyPegloticase and the patient with treatment-failure gout.2012
Other PublicationANLS OF INTERL MEDICINELow-Level Lead Exposure and the Prevalence of Gout An Observatiol Study2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF EPIDEMIOLOGYHyperuricemia in Young Adults and Risk of Insulin Resistance, Prediabetes2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICINEture Versus Nurture in Gout: A Twin Study2012
Other PublicationCongestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.)Hyperuricemia and the echocardiographic measures of myocardial dysfunction.2012
Other PublicationANLS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESDisability in rheumatoid arthritis in the era of biological treatments2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICINELifestyle Risk Factors Predict Disability and Death in Healthy Aging Adults2012
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYDutch translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the PROMIS2012
Other PublicationOxidative Stress in Advanced Basic Research and Clinical Practice. StuMetabolic syndrome and gout.
Other PublicationARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHMuscle strength, mass, and quality in older men and women with knee osteoarthritis2012
Other PublicationIn: Alcaraz M (Ed) Oxidative Stress in Advanced Basic Research and CliMetabolic Syndrome and gout
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYHyperuricemia and untreated gout are poor prognostic markers among those with a recent acute2012
Other PublicationIn: Gout & Other Crystal Arthropathies Terkeltaub R(Ed.) Elsevier SaunEpidemiology and Risk Factors
Other PublicationArthritis research & therapyDutch translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the PROMIS® physical function item bank and cogni2012
Other PublicationRheumatology ReportsHyperuricemia and carotid artery dilatation among young adults without metabolic syndrome2012
Other PublicationBMJ OPENGout and the risk for incident heart failure and systolic dysfunction2012
Other PublicationARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHThe Future of Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rheumatology2011
Other PublicationBMC NEPHROLOGYChronic kidney disease in gout in a maged care setting2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYDeveloping a Construct to Evaluate Flares in Rheumatoid Arthritis2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYIdentifying Prelimiry Domains to Detect and Measure Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYThe PROMIS of Better Outcome Assessment: Responsiveness, Floor and Ceiling Effects2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYAn Alysis of Connective Tissue Disease2011
Other PublicationCURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINIONRelationship between physician specialty and allopurinol prescribing patterns2011
Other PublicationCURRENT OPINION IN RHEUMATOLOGYUric acid in heart disease: a new C-reactive protein?2011
Other PublicationJ RheumatolOMERACT RA Flare Definition Working Group. Identifying prelimiry domains to detect2011
Other PublicationArthritis care & researchPatient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) -- The future of measuring patien2011
Other PublicationIntertiol jourl of rheumatologySystemic sclerosis 2011.2011
Other PublicationRheumatology ReportsHyperuricemia and carotid artery dilatation among young adults without metabolic syndrome2011
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYHyperuricemia and the risk for subclinical corory atherosclerosis2011
Other PublicationJ rheumatolOMERACT RA Flare Definition Working Group. Developing a construct to evaluate flares2011
Other PublicationIn: Gout & Other Crystal Arthropathies. Terkeltaub R(Ed.) Elsevier SauEpidemiology and risk factors
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYImproved responsiveness2011
Other PublicationIntertiol Jourl of Clinical RheumatologyFebuxostat for the treatment of hyperuricemia in patients with gout2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYSystemic Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis2010
Other PublicationRHEUMATOLOGYInflammation, oxidative stress and lipids: the risk triad for atherosclerosis in gout2010
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMEpidemiology of Gout in Women Fifty-two-Year Followup of a Prospective Cohort2010
Other PublicationIntertiol jourl of rheumatologyVascular disease in systemic sclerosis.2010
Other PublicationCIRCULATION-HEART FAILUREHyperuricemia and Incident Heart Failure2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYProgress in Assessing Physical Function in Arthritis2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGYWhat constitutes progress in assessing patient outcomes?2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYItems, Instruments, Crosswalks, and PROMIS2009
Other PublicationCLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGYCharacterizing systemic sclerosis in Northern California: focus on Asian and Hispanic patients2009
Other PublicationClinical and experimental rheumatologyCharacterizing systemic sclerosis in Northern California: focus on Asian and Hispanic patients.2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYFrequency, Risk, and Cost of Gout2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYPoor Outcomes After Acute Myocardial Infarction in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus2009
Other PublicationRHEUMATOLOGYGout and the risk of type 2 diabetes among men with a high cardiovascular risk profile2008
Other PublicationRHEUMATOLOGYHyperuricaemia - Where nephrology meets rheumatology2008
Other PublicationCurrent rheumatology reportsGout and corory artery disease: epidemiologic clues.2008
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF INTERL MEDICINELong-term cardiovascular mortality among middle-aged men with gout2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYGout in ambulatory care settings in the united states2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PUBLIC HEALTHFactors associated with patients who leave acute-care hospitals against medical advice2007
Other PublicationRHEUMATOLOGYHospitalizations and mortality in systemic sclerosis: results from the tionwide Inpatient Sample2007
Other PublicationARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM-ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHPrimary knee and hip arthroplasty among nogerians and centerians in the United States2007
Other PublicationHYPERTENSIONHyperuricemia and incidence of hypertension among men without metabolic syndrome2007
Other Publication: Kartha CC, editor. Kerala fifty years and beyond. Trivandrum, India:Ethics of Clinical Trials
Other PublicationJCR-JOURL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGYSleep-disordered breathing among women with fibromyalgia syndrome2006
Other PublicationANLS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESEthnicity and mortality from systemic lupus erythematosus in the US2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYHospitalization and mortality of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus2006
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMGout and the risk of acute myocardial infarction2006
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMObstetric hospitalizations in the United States for women with systemic lupus erythematosus2006
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of medicineStroke subtypes among young patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.2005
Other PublicationEUROPEAN JOURL OF EPIDEMIOLOGYSystemic sclerosis mortality in the United States: 1979-19982005
Other PublicationANLS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESImpact of age and comorbidities on the criteria for remission and response in rheumatoid arthritis2005
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICINESerum uric acid and cardiovascular disease: Recent developments, and where do they leave us?2005
Other PublicationPLOS MEDICINEUnregistered trials are unethical2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYRheumatoid arthritis: Radiographic progression is getting milder2005
Other PublicationRHEUMATIC DISEASE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICAtiol databases and rheumatology research II: the tiol Health and Nutrition Examition Surveys2004
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONDeclines in mortality from acute myocardial infarction in successive incidence2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYAttrition bias in rheumatoid arthritis databanks2004
Other PublicationANLS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESSimilar prediction of mortality by the health assessment questionire2004
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMNormative values for the health assessment questionire disability index2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF RHEUMATOLOGYPatient questionires2004
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYEquipoise, design bias2004
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYPercentile benchmarks in patients with rheumatoid arthritis2004
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYMeasuring effectiveness of drugs in observatiol databanks: promises and perils2004
Other PublicationArthritis research & therapyA randomized, controlled trial of interferon-beta2004
Other PublicationRheumatic Disease Clinics of North AmericaMusculoskeletal disorders and the tiol health and nutrition examition surveys (NHANES)2004
Other PublicationJOINT BONE SPINESmoking, gender and rheumatoid arthritis-epidemiological clues to etiology2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICINEReduction in long-term functiol disability in rheumatoid arthritis from 1977 to 19982003
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMEarly and extensive erosiveness in peripheral joints predicts atlantoaxial subluxations in patients2003
Other PublicationARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMFunctiol disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients compared with a community population in Finl2003
Other PublicationARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYSmoking-gender interaction and risk for rheumatoid arthritis2003
Other PublicationIn: Smolen J, Lipsky P (Eds.) Targeted therapies in rheumatology. LondLong-term observatiol studies
Other Publicationn: Soutter (Ed) Shaw?s Textbook of Gyecology Churchill Livingstone. EdEpidemiology of gyecological cancers
Other PublicationLANCETPLAGUE IN INDIA1994
Other Publicationtiol medical jourl of IndiaSurvival in multiple myeloma in Kerala.1993
Other PublicationCancer Registry Abstract: Newsletter of the tiol Cancer Registry ProgrEvaluation of reply-paid postcards as a cost-effective follow-up strategy in Kerala1991
Other PublicationKerala Medical JourlThe case for an aggressive prevention strategy1991

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Dr. Eswar E Krishnan, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Allergist-Immunologist

Internal Medicine

Years In Practice: 25 (started in 2000)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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