Dr. James Louis Zehnder, MD
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Dr. James Louis Zehnder, MD

Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Gynecology


  • Board Certified
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Dr. James Louis Zehnder, MD is a Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Gynecology practicing in Lafayette, LA

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Provider Training

CHARITY HOSPMedical DegreeNot Specified
La State University School of Medicine In New Orleans, New Orleans LaOther Degree1967
Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New OrleansMedical Degree1967

Internship - Charity HospitalNot Specified
Internship - Stanford University School of Medicine,Stanford, Ca, United States1985
Residency - Medical Center La New Orleans-Lsu, Obstetrics And Gynecology; Medical Center La New Orleans-Lsu, Otolaryngology; Medical Center La New Orleans-Lsu, Flexible Or Transitional YearNot Specified
Residency - Stanford University1988
Residency - LSU HEALTH SCIENCES Not Specified
Fellowship - Stanford University, Medical Oncology1993

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Obstetrics and GynecologyObstetrics and GynecologyNot Specified
Internal medicineInternal Medicine1987

Experience & Accolades

Professor of Pathology and of Medicine (Hematology)the Stanford University Medical Center

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other Publicationture geneticsIdentification of recurrent SMO and BRAF mutations in ameloblastomas.
Other PublicationBLOODA distinct evolution of the T2013
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of surgical pathologyDesktop transcriptome sequencing from archival tissue to identify clinically relevant2013
Other PublicationADVANCES IN ATOMIC PATHOLOGYIndolent T-Lymphoblastic Proliferation (iT-LBP)2013
Other PublicationHaematologicaSequential azacitidine plus lelidomide combition2013
Other PublicationAnls of pharmacotherapyDiscordant aPTT and anti2013
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYTdT(+) T-lymphoblastic Populations Are Increased in Castleman Disease2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HEMATOLOGYControversies in Heparin Monitoring2012
Other PublicationLEUKEMIASafety, efficacy and biological predictors of response to sequential azacitidine and lelidomide for2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HEMATOLOGYTailored temozolomide therapy according to MGMT methylation status2012
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMHigh-throughput VDJ sequencing for quantification of minimal residual disease in chronic2011
Other PublicationBONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONClolly identical Hodgkin's disease develops after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant for CLL2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYEvaluation of a Gene Expression Microarray2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF VIROLOGYMutagenesis of Varicella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein I2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF VIROLOGYVaricella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein E Is a Critical Determint of Virulence in the SCID Mouse2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYDevelopment of North American Consensus Guidelines for Medical Laboratories That Perform2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HEMATOLOGYHeparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Current status and diagnostic challenges2010
Other PublicationBRITISH JOURL OF HAEMATOLOGYComplete donor T-cell engraftment 30 days after allogeneic transplantation predicts molecular2010
Other PublicationBLOODNovel mutations in the inhibitory adaptor protein LNK drive JAK2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF IMMUNOLOGYIndividual Variation in the Germline Ig Gene Repertoire Inferred from Variable Region Gene2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYComprehensive and Efficient HBB Mutation Alysis for Detection of beta-Hemoglobinopathies in a Pan2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSCombined Use of PCR-Based TCRG2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGYPresentation of Extranodal tural Killer T-Cell Lymphoma, sal Type2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSDesign and Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay for Quantification of JAK2 V617F and Wild2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF VIROLOGYAnti-Glycoprotein H Antibody Impairs the Pathogenicity of Varicella2010
Other PublicationSCIENCE TRANSLATIOL MEDICINEMeasurement and Clinical Monitoring of Human Lymphocyte Clolity by Massively Parallel V-D2009
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMGlycogen synthase kise 3 beta missplicing contributes to leukemia stem cell generation2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSLaboratory Practice Guidelines for Detecting2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HEMATOLOGYSuperficial venous thrombosis associated with congenital absence of the inferior ve cava2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSInterlaboratory performance of a microarray2008
Other PublicationBRITISH JOURL OF HAEMATOLOGYGene expression and pathway alysis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura2008
Other PublicationBLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSISEffect of Ginkgo biloba2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYT-cell clolity alysis in biopsy specimens from two different skin sites shows high specificity in2007
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYAntithrombotic therapy and pregncy2007
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMAberrant infection and persistence of varicella2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSTesting for materl cell contamition in pretal samples2007
Other PublicationLEUKEMIAIntertiol standardized approach for flow cytometric residual disease monitoring in chronic2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISSevere coagulation factor V deficiency associated with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 1q2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATIONSafety and efficacy of a ginkgo biloba-containing dietary supplement on cognitive function2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISMolecular characterization and subcellular localization of Tyr478del2007
Other PublicationANLS OF ONCOLOGYMaintence rituximab following induction chemoimmunotherapy may prolong progression2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSDetection of the JAK2 V617F mutation by LightCycler PCR and probe dissociation alysis2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONMast cells can promote the development of multiple features of chronic asthma in mice2006
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMThe JAK2 V617F mutation occurs in hematopoietic stem cells in polycythemia vera2006
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMGene expression patterns in human placenta2006
Other PublicationTURE MEDICINESuccessful transduction of liver in hemophilia by AAV-factor IX2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISCharacterization of a novel prothrombin variant, Prothrombin C20209T2005
Other PublicationCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCHA comparison study of different PCR assays in measuring circulating plasma Epstein2005
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYIdentification of mislabeled specimen by molecular methods: Case report and review2005
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMVaricella-zoster virus infection of human dorsal root ganglia in vivo2005
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISHigh frequency of premature termition mutations in the factor V gene2005
Other PublicationNEW ENGLAND JOURL OF MEDICINEGranulocyte-macrophage progenitors as candidate leukemic stem cells in blast-crisis CML2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSCyclinD1/CyclinD3 ratio by real-time PCR2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGYRandomized trial of folic acid for prevention of cardiovascular events in end-stage rel disease2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSProthrombin gene variants in non-Caucasians with fetal loss and intrauterine growth retardation2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYLymphomatoid papulosis associated with mycosis fungoides2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYComprehensive validation of a real-time quantitative bcr-abl assay for clinical laboratory use2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYDiagnostic single nucleotide polymorphism alysis of factor V Leiden2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYPsoriasiform mycosis fungoides with fatal outcome after treatment with cyclosporine2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PATHOLOGYImmunological consequences of topical bovine thrombin2001
Other PublicationWrone, E. M., Zehnder, J. L., Hornberger, J. M., McCann, L. M., CoplonAn MTHFR variant, homocysteine, and cardiovascular comorbidity in rel disease2001
Other PublicationDIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGYSensitive detection of clol immunoglobulin rearrangements in frozen2000
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF DERMATOPATHOLOGYPCR-heteroduplex alysis of T2000
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYBlastic/blastoid transformation of follicular lymphoma2000
Other PublicationJOURL OF IMMUNOLOGYAntibodies against the first Ig-like domain of human platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-12000
Other PublicationANLS OF ONCOLOGYVariability of polymerase chain reaction detection of the bcl-21999
Other PublicationtureMast-cell heparin demystified.1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYAggressive tural killer-like T1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYAggressive cutaneous NK and NK-like T-cell lymphomas - Clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical1999
Other PublicationCLINICAL CHEMISTRYThe intertiol normalized ratio during concurrent warfarin and argatroban anticoagulation1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF HEMATOLOGYMesenteric artery thrombosis: A case report of combined protein S and protein C deficiency1998
Other PublicationJOURL OF ARTHROPLASTYFactor V Leiden and the risk of proximal venous thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty1998
Other PublicationZehnder, J., VATTA, R., Jones, C., Sussman, H., Wood, M.Cross-linking hybridization assay for direct detection of factor V Leiden mutation1997
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYHeparin-induced platelet aggregation vs platelet factor 4 enzyme1997
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYSensitivity and specificity of the APC resistance assay in detection of individuals with factor V1996
Other PublicationNEW ENGLAND JOURL OF MEDICINEPolymorphism of adhesion molecule CD31 and its role in acute graft-versus-host disease1996
Other PublicationNature geneticsIdentification of recurrent SMO and BRAF mutations in ameloblastomas.
Other PublicationLeukemiaSTAT3 mutations are frequent in CD30+ T-cell lymphomas2013
Other PublicationLEUKEMIAMinimal residual disease quantification using consensus primers2013
Other PublicationBLOODA distinct evolution of the T2013
Other PublicationAmerican journal of surgical pathologyDesktop transcriptome sequencing from archival tissue to identify clinically relevant2013
Other PublicationADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGYIndolent T-Lymphoblastic Proliferation (iT-LBP)2013
Other PublicationHaematologicaSequential azacitidine plus lenalidomide combination2013
Other PublicationAnnals of pharmacotherapyDiscordant aPTT and anti2013
Other PublicationLEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA2-Hydroxyglutarate in IDH mutant acute myeloid leukemia2013
Other PublicationHaematologicaComprehensive whole-genome sequencing of an early
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYTdT(+) T-lymphoblastic Populations Are Increased in Castleman Disease2012
Other PublicationBLOODProphylactic rituximab after allogeneic transplantation decreases B2012
Other PublicationAPPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGYAggressive EBV-associated Lymphoproliferative Disorder2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGYControversies in Heparin Monitoring2012
Other PublicationLEUKEMIASafety, efficacy and biological predictors of response to sequential azacitidine and lenalidomide2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGYTailored temozolomide therapy according to MGMT methylation status2012
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OHigh-throughput VDJ sequencing for quantification of minimal residual disease in chronic2011
Other PublicationBloodA novel splice donor mutation in the thrombopoietin gene leads to exon 2 skipping in a Filipino2011
Other PublicationBONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONClonally identical Hodgkin's dise2011
Other PublicationLEUKEMIARefining the diagnosis of T2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYEvaluation of a Gene Expression Microarray2011
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF VIROLOGYMutagenesis of Varicella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein I2011
Other PublicationBLOODThe role of vanin-1 and oxidative stress2011
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF VIROLOGYVaricella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein E Is a Critical Determinant of Virulence in the SCID Mouse2011
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCERDevelopment of Antibodies to Human Thrombin2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYDevelopment of North American Consensus Guidelines for Medical Laboratories That Perform2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGYHeparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Current status and diagnostic challenges2010
Other PublicationBRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGYComplete donor T-cell engraftment 30 days after allogeneic transplantation predicts molecular2010
Other PublicationBLOODNovel mutations in the inhibitory adaptor protein LNK drive JAK2010
Other PublicationHUMAN PATHOLOGYHereditary diffuse gastric cancer due to a previously undescribed CDH1 splice site mutation2010
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGYIndividual Variation in the Germline Ig Gene Repertoire Inferred from Variable Region Gene2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYComprehensive and Efficient HBB Mutation Analysis for Detection of beta-Hemoglobinopathies in a Pan2010
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSCombined Use of PCR-Based TCRG2010
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGYPresentation of Extranodal Natural Killer T-Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type2010
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSDesign and Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay for Quantification of JAK2 V617F and Wild2010
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF VIROLOGYAnti-Glycoprotein H Antibody Impairs the Pathogenicity of Varicella2010
Other PublicationSCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINEMeasurement and Clinical Monitoring of Human Lymphocyte Clonality by Massively Parallel V-D2009
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OGlycogen synthase kinase 3 beta missplicing contributes to leukemia stem cell generation2009
Other PublicationBLOODClinical characterization of acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia2009
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSLaboratory Practice Guidelines for Detecting2009
Other PublicationLEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMAMolecular stratification of patients with normal karyotype acute myeloid leukemia b2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGYSuperficial venous thrombosis associated with congenital absence of the inferior vena cava2008
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSInterlaboratory performance of a microarray2008
Other PublicationBRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGYGene expression and pathway analysis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura2008
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISLaboratory testing for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is inconsistent in North America2007
Other PublicationBLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSISEffect of Ginkgo biloba2007
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYT-cell clonality analysis in biopsy specimens from two different skin sites shows high specificity2007
Other PublicationGENETICS IN MEDICINEIdentification of an intronic single nucleotide polymorphism leading to allele dropout during2007
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGYAntithrombotic therapy and pregnancy2007
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OAberrant infection and persistence of varicella2007
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSTesting for maternal cell contamination in prenatal samples2007
Other PublicationLEUKEMIAInternational standardized approach for flow cytometric residual disease monitoring in chronic2007
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISSevere coagulation factor V deficiency associated with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 1q2007
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATIONSafety and efficacy of a ginkgo biloba-containing dietary supplement on cognitive function2007
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISMolecular characterization and subcellular localization of Tyr478del2007
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCERGene expression profile of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)2006
Other PublicationANNALS OF ONCOLOGYMaintenance rituximab following induction chemoimmunotherapy may prolong progression2006
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSDetection of the JAK2 V617F mutation by LightCycler PCR and probe dissociation analysis2006
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISFirst molecular characterization of a patient with combined factor V and factor VII deficiency2006
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONMast cells can promote the development of multiple features of chronic asthma in mice2006
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OThe JAK2 V617F mutation occurs in hematopoietic stem cells in polycythemia vera2006
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OGene expression patterns in human placenta2006
Other PublicationNATURE MEDICINESuccessful transduction of liver in hemophilia by AAV-factor IX2006
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISCharacterization of a novel prothrombin variant, Prothrombin C20209T2005
Other PublicationCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCHA comparison study of different PCR assays in measuring circulating plasma Epstein2005
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYIdentification of mislabeled specimen by molecular methods: Case report and review2005
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OVaricella-zoster virus infection of human dorsal root ganglia in vivo2005
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISHigh frequency of premature termination mutations in the factor V gene2005
Other PublicationNEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINEGranulocyte-macrophage progenitors as candidate leukemic stem cells in blast-crisis CML2004
Other PublicationGENETIC TESTINGRapid combined genotyping assay for four achondroplasia2004
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSCyclinD1/CyclinD3 ratio by real-time PCR2004
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGYRandomized trial of folic acid for prevention of cardiovascular events in end-stage renal disease2004
Other PublicationHematology / the Education Program of the American Society of HematoloCongenital and acquired thrombocytopenia.2004
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSProthrombin gene variants in non-Caucasians with fetal loss and intrauterine growth retardation2003
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYLymphomatoid papulosis associated with mycosis fungoides2003
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGYHeterozygous prothrombin G20210A gene mutation in a patient with livedoid vasculitis2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYComprehensive validation of a real-time quantitative bcr-abl assay for clinical laboratory use2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYDiagnostic single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of factor V Leiden2003
Other PublicationHUMAN PATHOLOGYLack of human herpesvirus 82003
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGYPsoriasiform mycosis fungoides with fatal outcome after treatment with cyclosporine2002
Other PublicationBLOODHomozygous factor V splice site mutation associated with severe factor V deficiency2002
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISNovel factor VC2-domain mutation (R2074H) in two families with factor V deficiency and bleeding2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGYImmunological consequences of topical bovine thrombin2001
Other PublicationLEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMAA polymorphism in the BCL-6 gene is associated with follicle center lymphoma2001
Other PublicationWrone, E. M., Zehnder, J. L., Hornberger, J. M., McCann, L. M., CoplonAn MTHFR variant, homocysteine, and cardiovascular comorbidity in renal disease2001
Other PublicationBLOODExpression of a single gene, BCL-62001
Other PublicationBIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONCD31 mismatching affects marrow transplantation outcome2001
Other PublicationDIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGYSensitive detection of clonal immunoglobulin rearrangements in frozen2000
Other PublicationHiggins, J. P., van de Rijn, M., Jones, C. D., Zehnder, J. L., Warnke,Peripheral T-cell lymphoma complicated by a proliferation of large B cells2000
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOPATHOLOGYPCR-heteroduplex analysis of T2000
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYBlastic/blastoid transformation of follicular lymphoma2000
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGYAntibodies against the first Ig-like domain of human platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-12000
Other PublicationLEUKEMIAReal-time t(11;14) and t(14;18) PCR assays provide sensitive and quantitative assessments1999
Other PublicationANNALS OF ONCOLOGYVariability of polymerase chain reaction detection of the bcl-21999
Other PublicationTHROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASISFamilial coagulation factor V deficiency caused by a novel 4 base pair insertion1999
Other PublicationNatureMast-cell heparin demystified.1999
Other PublicationDERMATOLOGIC CLINICSUse of the polymerase chain reaction in the evaluation of cutaneous T-cell infiltrates1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYAggressive natural killer-like T1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGYAggressive cutaneous NK and NK-like T-cell lymphomas - Clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical1999
Other PublicationCLINICAL CHEMISTRYThe international normalized ratio during concurrent warfarin and argatroban anticoagulation1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGYMesenteric artery thrombosis: A case report of combined protein S and protein C deficiency1998
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTYFactor V Leiden and the risk of proximal venous thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty1998
Other PublicationDIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGYA microplate allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization assay for detection of factor V Leiden1997
Other PublicationZehnder, J., VANATTA, R., Jones, C., Sussman, H., Wood, M.Cross-linking hybridization assay for direct detection of factor V Leiden mutation1997
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYHeparin-induced platelet aggregation vs platelet factor 4 enzyme1997
Other PublicationBLOODAdministration of a CD31-derived peptide delays the onset1997
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGYSensitivity and specificity of the APC resistance assay in detection of individuals with factor V1996
Other PublicationBLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSISRecurrent thrombosis due to compound heterozygosity for factor V Leiden and factor V deficiency1996
Other PublicationNEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINEPolymorphism of adhesion molecule CD31 and its role in acute graft-versus-host disease1996

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Dr. James Louis Zehnder, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Medical Specialties
  • Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) - Sub-Specialty: Gynecology

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