Dr. John Bing Sunwoo, MD
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Dr. John Bing Sunwoo, MD

Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT) - General


  • Board Certified
  • Accepts Insurance Plans


Dr. John Bing Sunwoo, MD is a Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT) - General practicing in Saint Louis, MO

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Provider Training

Washington University School of Medicine, St. LouisOther Degree1993
Washington Center / School of MedicineOther Degree1993

Internship - UC Davis Health System CA (1994) Not Specified
Internship - University of California (Davis), Sacramento, CA, Rotating InternshipNot Specified
Internship - UC Davis Health System1994
Residency - Washington University/B-Jh/Slch Conc, Otolaryngology University Ca Davis Medical Center, General SurgeryNot Specified
Residency - Washington University School Of Medicine2003
Fellowship - National Institutes of Health MD 2000
Fellowship - National Institutes of Health2000
Continuing Medical Education (CME) - Washington University, St Louis, MO, Otolaryngology Not Specified
Continuing Medical Education (CME) - Washington University, St Louis, MO, Surgery, Head & NeckNot Specified

CertificationCert. BodyYear
OtolaryngologyOtolaryngologyNot Specified

Experience & Accolades

Co-Director Thyroid and Parathyroid Tumor Board, Stanford University School of Medicine
2011 - 2014
Member CORE Grants Study Section, American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
2009 - 2014
Member Pigmented Lesion and Melanoma Program, Stanford University School of Medicine
2011 - 2014
Director Head and Neck Cancer Research, Stanford University School of Medicine, Dept. of Otolaryngology
2013 - 2014

Best Doctors, Inc. 2009-2014
Top Doctors, Castle Connolly 2013-2014
Faculty Teacher of the Year, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Stanford Univer 2012
Best Doctors in America
K08 Award, National Institutes of Health 2004
Chief Resident Teaching Award, Washington University 2003
Alpha Omega Alpha, Washington University 2003
Young Investigator Award, American Head and Neck Society 2000
Resident Research Award, Washington University 1997, 1997
Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Prize in Surgery, Washington University 1993
Sigma Xi, Brown University 1989

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationCANCEREpstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 12014
Other PublicationThe Jourl of clinical investigationTargeting CD137 enhances the efficacy of cetuximab.
Other PublicationCancer jourlCancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting by tural killer cells.2013
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMModulation of tural killer cell antitumor activity by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor2013
Other PublicationJourl of toxicologyEpigenetically mediated pathogenic effects of phenthrene on regulatory T cells.2013
Other PublicationINTERTIOL IMMUNOLOGYIdentification of human NK cells that are deficient for sigling adaptor FcR gamma2012
Other PublicationINTERTIOL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGYCD44+cells have cancer stem cell-like properties in sopharyngeal carcinoma2012
Other PublicationBIOMATERIALSThe manipulation of tural killer cells to target tumor sites using magnetic noparticles2012
Other PublicationKohrt, H. E., Houot, R., Weiskopf, K., Goldstein, M., Lund, P., ScheerEffect of stimulation of tural killer cells with an anti-CD137 mAb on the efficacy of trastuzumab
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMThe CD47-sigl regulatory protein alpha2012
Other PublicationINTERTIOL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGYTargeted endoscopic salvage sopharyngectomy for recurrent sopharyngeal carcinoma2012
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMDistal-less homeobox transcription factors regulate development2008
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE TIOL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMHLA alleles determine differences in human tural killer cell responsiveness and potency2008
Other PublicationHEAD AND NECK-JOURL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NSpontaneous regression of cutaneous head and neck melanoma2008
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERYMycotic pseudoaneurysm of the interl maxillary artery - Case report and review of the literature2007
Other PublicationBLOODArrested tural killer cell development associated with transgene insertion into the Atf2 locus2006
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICSInhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B2005
Other PublicationTURELicensing of tural killer cells by host major histocompatibility complex class I molecules2005
Other PublicationCANCER RESEARCHNuclear factor-kappa B is an important modulator of the altered gene expression profile2004
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF CANCEREffects of pharmacologic antagonists of epidermal growth factor receptor2002
Other PublicationJOURL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGYConcurrent paclitaxel and radiation in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer2001
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF CANCERMultiple regions of deletion on chromosome arm 13q in head-and-neck squamous-cell carcinoma1999
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE TIOL CANCER INSTITUTEChromosome 8 allelic loss1996
Other PublicationCANCEREpstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 12014
Other PublicationThe Journal of clinical investigationTargeting CD137 enhances the efficacy of cetuximab.
Other PublicationCancer journalCancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting by natural killer cells.2013
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OModulation of natural killer cell antitumor activity by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor2013
Other PublicationCANCERImpact of positron emission tomography2013
Other PublicationJournal of toxicologyEpigenetically mediated pathogenic effects of phenanthrene on regulatory T cells.2013
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGYIdentification of human NK cells that are deficient for signaling adaptor FcR gamma2012
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGYCD44+cells have cancer stem cell-like properties in nasopharyngeal carcinoma2012
Other PublicationBIOMATERIALSThe manipulation of natural killer cells to target tumor sites using magnetic nanoparticles2012
Other PublicationKohrt, H. E., Houot, R., Weiskopf, K., Goldstein, M., Lund, P., ScheerEffect of stimulation of natural killer cells with an anti-CD137 mAb on the efficacy of trastuzumab
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OThe CD47-signal regulatory protein alpha2012
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGYTargeted endoscopic salvage nasopharyngectomy for recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma2012
Other PublicationCANCER RESEARCHERK1/2 Regulation of CD44 Modulates Oral Cancer Aggressiveness2012
Other PublicationCELL CYCLEA cisplatin-resistant subpopulation of mesenchymal-like cells in head2011
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES ODistal-less homeobox transcription factors regulate development2008
Other PublicationLARYNGOSCOPETemporal Relationship Between Antitumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Antibody Therapy2008
Other PublicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OHLA alleles determine differences in human natural killer cell responsiveness and potency2008
Other PublicationHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD ANDSpontaneous regression of cutaneous head and neck melanoma2008
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERYMycotic pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery - Case report and review of the literature2007
Other PublicationBLOODArrested natural killer cell development associated with transgene insertion into the Atf2 locus2006
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICSInhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B2005
Other PublicationNATURELicensing of natural killer cells by host major histocompatibility complex class I molecules2005
Other PublicationCANCER RESEARCHNuclear factor-kappa B is an important modulator of the altered gene expression profile2004
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCEREffects of pharmacologic antagonists of epidermal growth factor receptor2002
Other PublicationGENOMICSTranscript map of the 8p23 putative tumor suppressor region2001
Other PublicationCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCHIL (interleukin)-1 alpha promotes nuclear factor-kappa B and AP-1-induced IL-8 expression2001
Other PublicationCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCHNovel proteasome inhibitor PS-341 inhibits activation of nuclear factor-kappa B, cell survival2001
Other PublicationCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCHCoexpression of proangiogenic factors IL2001
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGYConcurrent paclitaxel and radiation in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer2001
Other PublicationGENOMICSHomozygous deletions define a region of 8p23.2 containing a putative tumor suppressor gene1999
Other PublicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCERMultiple regions of deletion on chromosome arm 13q in head-and-neck squamous-cell carcinoma1999
Other PublicationMOLECULAR CARCINOGENESISConstitutive activation of transcription factors NF-kappa B, AP-11999
Other PublicationONCOGENELocalization of a putative tumor suppressor gene in the sub-telomeric region of chromosome 8p1999
Other PublicationOTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERYClinical correlations with allelotype in supraglottic squamous cancer1998
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTEChromosome 8 allelic loss1996
Other PublicationGENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCEREvidence for multiple tumor suppressor genes on chromosome arm 8p in supraglottic laryngeal cancer1996

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Dr. John Bing Sunwoo, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Medical Specialties
  • Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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