Dr. Samuel D Gerber, MD is a Orthopedic Surgeon - General practicing in Lowell, MA
He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
University | Degree | Focus | Graduated |
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts | Other Degree | 1980 | |
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts | Medical Degree | 1980 |
Institution | Focus | Year |
Residency - Mass Gen Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery; Mass Gen Hospital, General Surgery | Not Specified | |
Residency - Massachusetts General Hospital Program | Not Specified |
Certification | Cert. Body | Year |
Orthopaedic Surgery | Orthopaedic Surgery | Not Specified |
Dr. Samuel D Gerber, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Samuel D Gerber, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. Samuel D Gerber, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Good Doctor”
Doctor Gerber is a very understanding doctor. He listens to what you have to say and does not make you feel like you dont know what you are talking about. He does not make you feel like you dont know what you are talking about because you do not have a degree. I have been seeing him for about six years now. He does the best he can. If he does not feel like he can help you with what your diagnosis is her will send you to a specialist that has experience in the field you need. Most doctors would ...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ Good Doctor ”
Doctor Gerber is a very understanding doctor. He listens to what you have to say and does not make you feel like you dont know what you are talking about. He does not make you feel like you dont know what you are talking about because you do not have a degree. I have been seeing him for about six years now. He does the best he can. If he does not feel like he can help you with what your diagnosis is her will send you to a specialist that has experience in the field you need. Most doctors would ...