Find Odessa, FL Doctors

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Use the links below to start your search can help you find a local physician or other licensed health provider in Odessa, FL who accepts your insurance and is best-suited to meet your needs.

Providers in Odessa, FL on

Top 10 Provider Specialties in Odessa, FL:

  1. Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers (58 providers)
  2. Nurse Practitioner (NP) (31 providers)
  3. Dentist (26 providers)
  4. Physical Therapist (PT) (20 providers)
  5. Pharmacist (17 providers)
  6. Counselor (12 providers)
  7. Registered Nurse (RN) (11 providers)
  8. Speech-Language Pathologist (11 providers)
  9. Occupational Therapist (OT) (10 providers)
  10. Physician Assistant (PA) (8 providers)

Top 10 Most Popular Insurances for Odessa, FL Doctors:

  1. Aetna
  2. Cigna
  3. Humana Health
  4. Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
  5. Medicare
  6. AvMed
  7. Coventry Health Care
  8. Guardian
  9. MetLife
  10. Multiplan PHCS

Aggregate Statistics

Total number of Odessa, FL doctors (and other providers) on
Most popular Medical Specialty of Providers in Odessa, FL:Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Odessa, FL Doctors have been Practicing for an Average of:31.9 year(s)
Average ProfilePoints™ Score for Providers in Odessa, FL:22/80
Average Overall User Rating for Providers in Odessa, FL:5 (out of 5)

Odessa, FL Doctors by Zip Code

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