Jafi Alyssa Lipson, MD
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Jafi Alyssa Lipson, MD

Radiologist - Diagnostic Radiology


  • Board Certified


Jafi Alyssa Lipson, MD is a Radiologist - Diagnostic Radiology practicing in San Francisco, CA

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Provider Training

Internship - Saint Mary's Medical Center2005
Internship - St Mary's Medical Center CA 2005
Internship - St Mary',s Hospital Medical School, University Of London, Universit2005
Residency - Ucsf Medical Center2005
Residency - University of California San Francisco2009
Residency - University of California, San Francisco 2009
Fellowship - Stanford University - Dept of Radiology CA 2010
Fellowship - Stanford University - Dept of Radiology2010

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Diagnostic RadiologyRadiology2009
Diagnostic RadiologyRadiology2009

Experience & Accolades

Assistant Professor of Radiology (General Radiology)the Stanford University Medical Center

Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Radiology Junior Faculty of the Year Award 2011-2012

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGING3D T2-Weighted Spin Echo Imaging in the Breast2014
Other PublicationJourl of magnetic resonce imaging : JMRIRim sign in breast lesions on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonce imaging
Other PublicationAJR. American jourl of roentgenologyWhy Are Patients Noncompliant With Follow-Up Recommendations After MRI2013
Other PublicationMagnetic resonce imagingImage quality and diagnostic performance of silicone-specific breast MRI.2013
Other PublicationJourl of the American Medical Informatics AssociationDymic contrast-enhanced MRI2013
Other PublicationMagnetic resonce imaging clinics of North AmericaUpdates and Revisions to the BI-RADS Magnetic Resonce Imaging Lexicon.2013
Other PublicationAMIA Summits on Translatiol Science proceedings AMIA Summit on TranslaQualitative and quantitative image-based biomarkers of therapeutic response in triple2013
Other PublicationJourl of Magnetic Resonce ImagingVariable spatiotemporal resolution three-dimensiol dixon sequence for rapid dymic contrast
Other PublicationEuropean jourl of radiologyBreast MRI without gadolinium2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATIONAutomatic classification of mammography reports by BI-RADS breast tissue composition class2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGFreehand MRI-Guided Preoperative Needle Localization of Breast Lesions After MRI-Guided2010
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF INTERL MEDICINERadiation Dose Associated With Common Computed Tomography Examitions2009
Other PublicationJourl of pediatric urologySubtle rel duplication as an unrecognized cause of childhood incontinence2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYCT and MRI of hepatic contour abnormalities2005
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING3D T2-Weighted Spin Echo Imaging in the Breast2014
Other PublicationJournal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRIRim sign in breast lesions on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
Other PublicationRadiologyThe california breast density information group2013
Other PublicationAJR. American journal of roentgenologyWhy Are Patients Noncompliant With Follow-Up Recommendations After MRI2013
Other PublicationAcademic radiologyA picture is worth a thousand words2013
Other PublicationMagnetic resonance imagingImage quality and diagnostic performance of silicone-specific breast MRI.2013
Other PublicationJournal of the American Medical Informatics AssociationDynamic contrast-enhanced MRI2013
Other PublicationBreast cancer research and treatmentA clinical trial of lovastatin for modification of biomarkers associated with breast cancer risk.2013
Other PublicationMagnetic resonance imaging clinics of North AmericaUpdates and Revisions to the BI-RADS Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lexicon.2013
Other PublicationAMIA Summits on Translational Science proceedings AMIA Summit on TransQualitative and quantitative image-based biomarkers of therapeutic response in triple2013
Other PublicationJournal of Magnetic Resonance ImagingVariable spatiotemporal resolution three-dimensional dixon sequence for rapid dynamic contrast
Other PublicationEuropean journal of radiologyBreast MRI without gadolinium2012
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATIONAutomatic classification of mammography reports by BI-RADS breast tissue composition class2012
Other PublicationFAMILIAL CANCERBreast cancer risk factors differ between Asian and white women with BRCA1/2 mutations2012
Other PublicationACADEMIC RADIOLOGYUtilizing a PACS-integrated Ultrasound2011
Other PublicationJOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGINGFreehand MRI-Guided Preoperative Needle Localization of Breast Lesions After MRI-Guided2010
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINERadiation Dose Associated With Common Computed Tomography Examinations2009
Other PublicationJournal of pediatric urologySubtle renal duplication as an unrecognized cause of childhood incontinence2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGYCT and MRI of hepatic contour abnormalities2005

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Jafi Alyssa Lipson, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that she is affiliated with.


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Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Radiologist - Sub-Specialty: Diagnostic Radiology

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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