Jason Dragoo, MD
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  • Mon:8:00am - 4:00pm
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Jason Dragoo, MD

Orthopedic Surgeon - Sports Medicine


  • Board Certified


Jason L. Dragoo, MD, Professor and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs for the CU Department of Orthopaedics, is a pioneer in the field of Biologics and Regenerative Medicine, as well as minimally invasive Sports Medicine procedures. He is the Endowed Chair of Regenerative Medicine and has developed many procedures designed to augment the healing of a patient's own body. He strongly favors the use of a… Read more ›

Provider Training

University of Az Collage of MedicineOther Degree1998

Internship - UCLA Health Sciences, Los Angeles CA (1999) Not Specified
Internship - UCLA Health Sciences CA 1999
Residency - Ucla Medical Center/Ucla D Geffen School, Orthopedic SurgeryNot Specified
Residency - University of California, Los Angeles 2004
Fellowship - Steadman-Hawkins Sports Clinic, Vail CO 2005
Fellowship - Steadman-Hawkins Sports Clinic CO 2005

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Orthopaedic Surgery
Sub-Specialty: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Orthopaedic SurgeryNot Specified
Orthopaedic SurgeryOrthopaedic SurgeryNot Specified
Orthopaedic SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery2011
Orthopaedic SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery2007
Orthopaedic SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery2010

Experience & Accolades

Bone and Joint Decade Young Investigator Award, Bone and Joint Decade 2006
Listed in Top US Orthopeadic Surgeons in Sports Medicine, Consumers R 2008
North American representative for Scientific Exchange with Europe, AO 2008
Basic Science Research Award, Smith and Nephew 2006
InScope Orthopeadic Research Grant
Innovative Scientific Centers of Orthopaedic Excellence Orthopaedic 2005
Investigation of treatments for osteochondral defects in children-Edu 2003
Aventis Orthopaedic Research Scholarship, UCLA Department of Orthopae 2002
Zimmer Research Award, American Orthopaedic Association 2001-2002
Basic Science Manuscript Award Smith and Nephew National Research Awa 2002
Orthopaedic Hospital Research Award, California Orthopaedic Associati 2002
Best and Brightest: Current Research in Surgery. Award-Winning Studie 2001
Bernard Revsin Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence, University 1998
McGraw-Hill Award-Top Medical Student in the basic sciences, Universi 1996
Junior Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, 1996
US Olympic Committee Level III Physician, Volunteer Services
Top 70 Best Knee Surgeons in America, Becker's Hospital Review 2010
US Ski Team Physician, United States Ski and Snowboard Association (c 2005
US Olympic Committee (curr) 2010

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of sports medicinePlatelet-rich plasma as a treatment for patellar tendinopathy2014
Other PublicationSports medicine and arthroscopy reviewThe Use of PRP in Ligament and Meniscal Healing.2013
Other PublicationJourl of orthopaedic researchSix-week gait retraining program reduces knee adduction moment, reduces pain2013
Other PublicationClinical jourl of sport medicineEpidemiology of syndesmosis injuries in intercollegiate football2013
Other PublicationBritish jourl of sports medicineEffect of airline travel on performance: a review of the literature.2013
Other PublicationKnee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official jourl of theThe effect of local aesthetics on synoviocytes: a possible indirect mechanism of chondrolysis.2013
Other PublicationKNEEThe effect of playing surface on the incidence of ACL injuries2013
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of sports medicineAuthor's response.2013
Other PublicationRadiologic clinics of North AmericaApplication of advanced magnetic resonce imaging techniques in evaluation of the lower extremity.2013
Other PublicationKNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPYThe effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on tissue healing2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF BIOMECHANICSToe-in gait reduces the first peak knee adduction moment in patients with medial compartment knee2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGOptimizing lavage during knee arthroscopy: A three-dimensiol MRI study2013
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEThe Systemic Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection2013
Other PublicationCase reports in orthopedicsPostarthroscopic Infection in the Knee following Medical or Dental Procedures.2013
Other PublicationKNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPYThe effect of local anesthetic and corticosteroid combitions on chondrocyte viability2012
Other PublicationKNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPYThe chondrotoxicity of single-dose corticosteroids2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEAcromioclavicular Joint Injuries2012
Other PublicationKNEEEvaluation of a one-stage ACL revision Technique using bone void filler after cyclic loading2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEComparison of the Acute Inflammatory Response of Two Commercial Platelet2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEIncidence and Risk Factors for Injuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament in tiol Collegiate2012
Other PublicationARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERYEffects of Arm Position on Maximizing Intra-Articular Visualization of the Biceps Tendon2012
Other PublicationDragoo, J. L., Braun, H. J., Kim, H. J., Phan, H. D., Golish, S. R.The In Vitro Chondrotoxicity of Single-Dose Local Anesthetics2012
Other PublicationJourl of tissue engineeringIn vitro chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells with silk scaffolds.2012
Other PublicationSPORTS MEDICINEEvaluation and Treatment of Disorders of the Infrapatellar Fat Pad2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONSArthroscopic Releases for Arthrofibrosis of the Knee2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEProspective Correlation Between Serum Relaxin Concentration2011
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERYBiomechanical alysis of bicortical versus unicortical locked plating of mid-clavicular fractures2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEComparison of Growth Factor2011
Other PublicationIntertiol jourl of women's healthTrends in serum relaxin concentration among elite collegiate female athletes.2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINERestoration of Knee Volume Using Selected Arthroscopic Releases2010
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANSFabrication of custom-shaped grafts for cartilage regeneration2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEChondrotoxicity of Low pH, Epinephrine2010
Other PublicationCLINICAL BIOMECHANICSMechanics of the anterior interval of the knee using open dymic MRI2010
Other Publicationspine jourlEffect of bupivacaine on chondrocyte viability.2010
Other PublicationSPORTS MEDICINEThe Effect of Playing Surface on Injury Rate A Review of the Current Literature2010
Other PublicationARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERYBiomechanical Evaluation of a 12009
Other PublicationKNEEThe effect of relaxin on the female anterior cruciate ligament2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINECollege Football Player With Unstable C1 Fracture A Case Report2009
Other PublicationKNEEDisorders of the suprapatellar pouch of the knee2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEArthroscopic release for symptomatic scarring of the anterior interval of the knee2008
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEThe effect of local anesthetics administered via pain pump on chondrocyte viability2008
Other PublicationTISSUE ENGINEERINGHealing full-thickness cartilage defects using adipose-derived stem cells2007
Other PublicationTopics in magnetic resonce imagingAnterior cruciate ligament tears and associated injuries.2006
Other PublicationPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERYTissue-engineered bone from BMP-2-transduced stem cells derived from human fat2005
Other PublicationBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONSBacteriostatic properties of biomatrices against common orthopaedic pathogens2004
Other PublicationARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERYLong-term results of arthroscopic resection of the distal clavicle with concomitant subacromial2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINERelaxin receptors in the human female anterior cruciate ligament2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SPORTS MEDICINEKnee function after anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite collegiate athletes2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUMETissue-engineered cartilage and bone using stem cells from human infrapatellar fat pads2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCHBone induction by BMP-2 transduced stem cells derived from human fat2003
Other PublicationCELLS TISSUES ORGANSComparison of multi-lineage cells from human adipose tissue and bone marrow2003

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Jason Dragoo, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Orthopedic Surgeon - Sub-Specialty: Sports Medicine

Years In Practice: 20 (started in 2005)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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