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Jeffrey A Feinstein, MD

Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Pediatric Cardiology


  • Accepts Insurance Plans


Jeffrey A Feinstein, MD is a Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Pediatric Cardiology practicing in Palo Alto, CA

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Provider Training

New York Medical College- Valhalla NyOther Degree1991
New York Medical CollegeMedical Degree1991

Internship - Chldns National Mc1992
Residency - Children'S Natl Medical Center, Pediatric Cardiology; Geo Washington University School Med, PediatricsNot Specified
Residency - George Washington University Program A Not Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationPediatric cardiologyFood and drug administration2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONChildren with pulmory arterial hypertension and prostanoid therapy: Long-term hemodymics2013
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGYValidation of the Innocor Device for Noninvasive Measurement of Oxygen Consumption in Children2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERYComputatiol fluid dymic simulations for determition of ventricular workload2013
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYChronic effects of pulmory artery stenosis on hemodymic and structural development of the lungs2013
Other PublicationJOURL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEOptimization of a Y-Graft Design for Improved Hepatic Flow Distribution in the Fontan Circulation2013
Other PublicationPulmory circulationWall shear stress is decreased in the pulmory arteries of patients with pulmory arterial2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONElectrical and mechanical dyssynchrony in pediatric pulmory hypertension2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERYPulmory reperfusion injury after the unifocalization procedure for tetralogy of Fallot2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERYHepatic blood flow distribution and performance in conventiol and novel Y-graft Fontan geometries2012
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGFluid-structure interaction simulations of the Fontan procedure using variable wall properties2012
Other PublicationMICROVASCULAR RESEARCHA method for quantitative characterization of growth in the 3-D structure of rat pulmory arteries2012
Other PublicationNEW ENGLAND JOURL OF MEDICINESildefil for Severe Lymphatic Malformations2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYThe Adult Congenital2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYHypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Current Considerations and Expectations2012
Other PublicationPHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAVirtual surgeries in patients with congenital heart disease: a multi-scale modelling test case2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEThree-Dimensiol Simulations in Glenn Patients2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEComputatiol Simulations for Aortic Coarctation: Representative Results From a Sampling of Patients2011
Other PublicationCONGENITAL HEART DISEASEComputatiol Simulations Demonstrate Altered Wall Shear Stress2011
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGYQuantitative characterization of posttal growth trends in proximal pulmory arteries in rats by ph2011
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONIndications for Cardiac Catheterization2011
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGA Rapid and Computatiolly Inexpensive Method to Virtually Implant Current and Next2011
Other PublicationCATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONSComputatiol Fluid Dymic Simulations of Aortic Coarctation Comparing the Effects of Surgical-2011
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGThree-Dimensiol Hemodymics in the Human Pulmory Arteries Under Resting and Exercise Conditions2011
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGYCongenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt associated with heterotaxy and polysplenia2010
Other PublicationCARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERINGNew Insights into Pacemaker Lead-Induced Venous Occlusion2010
Other PublicationCHESTPulmory Hypertension Associated With Congenital Heart Disease Pulmory Vascular Disease2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART AMajewski Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Type II (MOPD II): Expanding the Vascular Phenotype2010
Other PublicationCONGENITAL HEART DISEASEA New Multiparameter Approach to Computatiol Simulation for Fontan Assessment and Redesign2010
Other PublicationCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERINGConstrained optimization of an idealized Y-shaped baffle for the Fontan surgery at rest2010
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC ANESTHESIAPerioperative complications in children with pulmory hypertension undergoing general anesthesia2010
Other PublicationProgress in pediatric cardiologyComputatiol Simulation of the Pulmory Arteries2010
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGOn Coupling a Lumped Parameter Heart Model and a Three-Dimensiol Finite Element Aorta Model2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYACC 2009 Survey Results and Recommendations2009
Other PublicationCARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNGUse of magnetic resonce imaging and computed tomography2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYA Novel Non-Invasive Method of Estimating Pulmory Vascular Resistance in Patients With Pulmory2009
Other PublicationPEDIATRICSShort- and Long-Term Outcomes of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONAngi Associated With Left Main Corory Artery Compression in Pulmory Hypertension2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERYEvaluation of a novel Y-shaped extracardiac Fontan baffle using computatiol fluid dymics2009
Other PublicationSemirs in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Pediatric cardiac surgeEvaluation, risk stratification2009
Other PublicationProgress in pediatric cardiologyNon-congenital heart disease associated pediatric pulmory arterial hypertension.2009
Other PublicationProgress in pediatric cardiologyPulmory arterial hypertension in children: Diagnostic work-up and challenges.2009
Other PublicationCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERINGA computatiol framework for derivative-free optimization of cardiovascular geometries2008
Other PublicationANESTHESIA AND ALGESIAKetamine does not increase pulmory vascular resistance2007
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONNoninherited risk factors and congenital cardiovascular defects2007
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGMorphometry-based impedance boundary conditions for patient2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYNoninvasive assessment of pulmory arterial capacitance by echocardiography2007
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGEffects of exercise2007
Other PublicationCATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONSPercutaneous translurnil corory angioplasty in a two2006
Other PublicationCongenital heart diseaseRelative lung perfusion distribution in normal lung scans: observations and clinical implications.2006
Other PublicationANLS OF THORACIC SURGERYUnifocalization of major aortopulmory collaterals in single-ventricle patients2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYA novel echocardiographic Doppler method for estimation of pulmory arterial pressures2006
Other PublicationCATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONSPercutaneous pulmory valve placement in a 10-month-old patient using a h2006
Other PublicationCATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONSAngioJet catheter-based thrombectomy in a neote with postoperative pulmory embolism2005
Other PublicationSEMIRS IN RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINESurgical and interventiol therapies for pulmory arterial hypertension2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONExperience of percutaneous corory intervention2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGProximal pulmory artery blood flow characteristics in healthy subjects me2005
Other PublicationANLS OF THORACIC SURGERYRegression of severe pulmory arteriovenous malformations after Fontan revision2004
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGYBlood flow conditions in the proximal pulmory arteries and ve cavae2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATIONIdentifying cardiac transplant rejection in children2004
Other PublicationCATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONSTranscatheter closure of postinfarction ventricular septal defects2004
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONElectrical resynchronization - A novel therapy for the failing right ventricle2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYUsefulness of epoprostenol therapy in the severely ill adolescent/adult with Eisenmenger physiology2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYTemporary IVC filtration before patent foramen ovale closure in a patient with paradoxic embolism2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYComparison of contrast echocardiography versus cardiac catheterization2002
Other PublicationPAEDIATRIC AESTHESIAA technique for maintence of airway access2001
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONBalloon pulmory angioplasty for treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmory hypertension2001
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYPreoperative magement of pulmory venous hypertension1999
Other PublicationJMRI-JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGUsing cardiac phase to order reconstruction [CAPTOR]: A method to improve diastolic images1997

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Jeffrey A Feinstein, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) - Sub-Specialty: Pediatric Cardiology

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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