Michael Vincent C Mcconnell, MD
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Michael Vincent C Mcconnell, MD

Cardiologist (Heart Specialist) - General


Michael Vincent C Mcconnell, MD is a Cardiologist (Heart Specialist) - General practicing in Stanford, CA

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Provider Training

Stanford University School of MedicineMedical Degree1990

Residency - Brigham & Women's Hospital Program Not Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationJourl of the American Society of EchocardiographyRelationship between Echocardiographic2014
Other PublicationCirculation jourlHistological characteristics of myocardial bridge with an ultrasonic echolucent band.2014
Other PublicationJourl of the American College of CardiologyACC/AHA/ASE/ASNC/HRS/IAC/Mended Hearts/SCI/RS/SAIP/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR/SNMMI 2014 Health Policy2014
Other PublicationSCIENTIFIC REPORTSMass fabrication and delivery of 3D multilayer mu Tags into living cells2013
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEReproducibility study for free2013
Other PublicationJourl of the American Heart AssociationA novel stress echocardiography pattern for myocardial bridge with invasive structural2013
Other PublicationDash, R., Kim, P., Matsuura, Y., Ikeno, F., Lyons, J., Ge, X., MetzlerSUSTAINED RESTORATION OF LV FUNCTION IN A PORCINE ISCHEMIA2013
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEThree-dimensiol first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI using a stack-of-spirals acquisition2013
Other PublicationJACC. Cardiovascular imagingRespiratory-Mode Display of Echocardiographic Images Highlights Effects of Pericardial Disease.
Other PublicationJourl of the American Heart AssociationNear infrared imaging2012
Other PublicationCIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR GENETICSRandomized Trial of Persol Genomics for Preventive Cardiology Design and Challenges2012
Other PublicationMOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGYRGD-Conjugated Human Ferritin noparticles for Imaging Vascular Inflammation2012
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC RESEARCHInfection of pregnt mice with Listeria monocytogenes induces fetal bradycardia2012
Other PublicationMOLECULAR IMAGINGBioluminescence and Magnetic Resonce Imaging of Macrophage Homing to Experimental Abdomil Aortic2012
Other PublicationSCIENCE TRANSLATIOL MEDICINEMicroR-21 Blocks Abdomil Aortic Aneurysm Development and Nicotine-Augmented Expansion2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONInhibition of microR-29b reduces murine abdomil aortic aneurysm development2012
Other PublicationMOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGYIn Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression2011
Other PublicationHeidary, S., Wheeler, M. T., Bennett, M. V., Chung, J., Pavlovic, A., Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonce Imaging Elucidates Genotype
Other PublicationKosuge, H., Sherlock, S., Kitagawa, T., Dai, H., McConnell, M. V.Carbon notubes Eble Optical Ablation of Vascular Macrophages
Other PublicationWu, H. H., Nishimura, D. G., McConnell, M. V., Hu, B. S.Initial Experience with Five-Dimensiol Cardiac
Other PublicationCIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGINGDual Manganese-Enhanced2011
Other PublicationANLS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGIn Vitro Validation of Finite Element Alysis of Blood Flow in Deformable Models2011
Other PublicationJACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGINGPhysical Activity in Older Subjects Is Associated With Increased Corory Vasodilation The ADVANCE2011
Other PublicationACS NOProtein Cage noparticles Bearing the LyP-1 Peptide for Enhanced Imaging of Macrophage2011
Other PublicationBIOMATERIALSHuman ferritin cages for imaging vascular macrophages2011
Other PublicationPLOS ONEFeCo/Graphite nocrystals for Multi-Modality Imaging of Experimental Vascular Inflammation2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGYAssessment of Elastase-Induced Murine Abdomil Aortic Aneurysms
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCERight corory wall cmr in the older asymptomatic advance cohort2010
Other PublicationKosuge, H., Kitagawa, T., Kobayashi, T., McConnell, M. V.Magnetite noparticles for both Magnetic Hyperthermia and 3T MRI of Macrophages
Other PublicationMaegdefessel, L., Azuma, J., Spin, J. M., Deng, A., McConnell, M. V., Nicotine Accelerates the Expansion of Abdomil Aortic Aneurysms in Mice
Other PublicationDao, C., Fleischmann, D., Kratzert, B., Wong, J. K., McConnell, M. V.,Assessment of Aortic Annulus Diameter with Three-dimensiol Transesophageal Echocardiography
Other PublicationDash, R., Chung, J., Hahn-Windgassen, A., Matsuura, Y., Ikeno, F., LyoDetection of Injured Border Zone Myocardium Using Manganese-Enhanced
Other PublicationKitagawa, T., Kosuge, H., Sherlock, S., Bogyo, M., Dai, H., McConnell,Carbon notubes Eble Noninvasive Optical Imaging of Macrophages in Mouse Atherosclerosis2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEsal continuous positive airway pressure improves myocardial perfusion reserve2010
Other PublicationMEDICAL PHYSICSHybrid referenceless2010
Other PublicationBogyo, M., Blum, G., Edgington, L., Yin, F., Berger, A., Lee, J., TeraSmall molecule probes of protease function: Applications to molecular imaging
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYQuantitative Tissue Characterization of Infarct Core2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYEmbolization of a Symptomatic Systemic to Pulmory2010
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEHigh-Contrast In Vivo Visualization of Microvessels Using Novel FeCo/GC Magnetic nocrystals2009
Other PublicationKosuge, H., Terashima, M., Sherlock, S., Kitagawa, T., Dai, H., McConnCarbon notubes Allow Fluorescence Imaging of Macrophages in Mouse Carotid Atherosclerosis2009
Other PublicationNew England jourl of medicineImages in clinical medicine. A swinging heart.2009
Other PublicationARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGYAlysis of In Situ and Ex Vivo Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Expression During2009
Other PublicationUchida, M., Terashima, M., Kosuge, H., Young, M., McConnell, M., DouglUtilization of protein cages as cellular specific imaging agents
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYAn unusual case of partial anomalous pulmory venous draige: Utility of the cardiac MRI2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCESociety for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonce guidelines for reporting cardiovascular magnetic2009
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEA Human Ferritin Iron Oxide no-composite Magnetic Resonce Contrast Agent2008
Other PublicationTerashima, M., Uchida, M., Kosuge, H., Young, M. J., Douglas, T., McCoTargeted Protein Cage noparticles Detects Macrophages Accumulation2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERYMultimodal evaluation of in vivo magnetic resonce imaging of myocardial restoration by mouse2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCENoninvasive assessment of corory vasodilation using cardiovascular magnetic resonce2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEQuantitative characterization of myocardial infarction by cardiov2008
Other PublicationJACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGINGImpaired Corory Vasodilation by Magnetic Resonce Angiography Is Associated With Advanced Corory2008
Other PublicationSuzuki, Y., Overall, W. R., Santos, J. M., Terashima, M., Ikeno, F., YReal-time MRI of peripheral chronic total occlusion interventions2007
Other PublicationKatikireddy, C., Nguyen, P., Won, C., Cardell, C., Nichols, D., Leary,Multimodality cardiovascular imaging detects improvment of subclinical microvascular dysfunction2007
Other PublicationTedesco, M. M., Terashima, M., Blankenberg, F. G., Levashova, Z., BackVariable growth rates2007
Other PublicationTURE MATERIALSFeCo/graphitic-shell nocrystals as advanced magnetic-resonce-imaging and near-infrared agents2006
Other PublicationNguyen, P. K., Terashima, M., Fair, J. M., Mahabouda, M. H., Varady, APhysical activity independently predicts increased MRI corory vasodilation to nitroglycerin2006
Other PublicationTerashima, M., Ikeda, K., Tsao, P. S., McConnell, M. V.Iron oxide cellular MRI of plaque macrophages h2006
Other PublicationCIRCULATIONCardiac magnetic resonce imaging for myocarditis - Effective use in medical decision making2006
Other PublicationCirculationImages in cardiovascular medicine. Cardiac magnetic resonce imaging for myocarditis2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMulticontrast black-blood MRI of carotid arteries2006
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEDual in vivo magnetic resonce evaluation of magnetically labeled mouse embryonic stem cells2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEReal-time color-flow CMR in adults with congenital heart disease2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEPeri-infarct ischemia determined by cardiovascular magnetic resonce evaluation of myocardial2006
Other PublicationJourl of magnetic resonce imaging : JMRIHigh-resolution real-time spiral MRI for guiding vascular interventions in a rabbit model at 1.5 T.2005
Other PublicationTsukiji, M., Nguyen, P., rayan, G., Hellinger, J., Chan, F. P., HerfkeMagnetic resonce imaging of myocardial viability predicts future cardiovascular events2005
Other PublicationTerashima, M., Nguyen, P. K., Rubin, G. D., Ehara, S., Iribarren, C., Subclinical corory atherosclerosis by MRI in an asymptomatic older patient cohort2005
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEPOsitive contrast magnetic resonce imaging of cells labeled with magnetic noparticles2005
Other PublicationArai, T., Cunningham, C. H., McConnell, M. V., Conolly, S. M., Yang, PIn vitro quantification of cells labeled with magnetic noparticles using off-resonce sequence2005
Other PublicationTsukiji, M., Nguyen, P., rayan, G., Hellinger, J., Chan, F., Herfkens,Peri-infarct ischemia determined by comprehensive MR evaluation of myocardial viability2005
Other PublicationSHIMADA, Y., Courtney, B. K., McConnell, M. V., Stamper, D. L., GiattiHigh resolution ex vivo magnetic resonce imaging of human corory arteries2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYNoninvasive assessment of corory vasodilation using magnetic resonce angiography2005
Other PublicationArai, T., de Bruin, J., Kofidis, T., Venook, R., McConnell, M. V., QueIn vivo magnetic resonce evaluation of the effects of mouse embryonic stem cells on cardiac2004
Other PublicationHyon, M. S., Kaneda, H., Ikeno, F., yak, K., Yeung, A. C., McConnell, Magnetic resonce angiography detects in-stent thrombosis and thrombolysis2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEDymic real-time architecture in magnetic resonce corory angiography-a prospective clinical trial2004
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCESpiral magnetic resonce corory angiography - Direct comparison of 1.5 tesla vs. 3 tesla2004
Other PublicationHyon, M. S., Kaneda, H., Ikeno, F., yak, K., Meyer, C. H., Yeung, A. CReal-time, bright-blood, and black-blood magnetic resonce angiography detect in-stent thrombosis2003
Other PublicationHyon, M. S., Kaneda, H., Ikeno, F., Meyer, C. H., Wiethoff, A. J., ParMagnetic resonce Imaging detects in-stent thrombosis2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYA visual approach for the accurate determition of echocardiographic left ventricular ejection2003
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYSpiral magnetic resonce corory angiography with rapid real-time localization2003
Other PublicationYang, P. C., Nguyen, P., Shimakawa, A., Britten, J., McConnell, M., HuSpiral magnetic resonce corory angiography with real-time localization at 3T2003
Other PublicationNguyen, P. K., Santos, J., Scott, G., Engvall, J., Wright, G., McConneAdaptive real-time architecture in magnetic resonce corory angiography: Clinical study2003
Other PublicationYang, P., Nguyen, P., Santos, J., Engvall, J., McConnell, M., Scott, GAdaptive real-time imaging in magnetic resonce corory angiography2003
Other PublicationCurrent cardiology reportsMagnetic resonce corory angiography.2003
Other PublicationHyon, M. S., Nguyen, P., Terashima, M., Meyer, C. H., McConnell, M. V.Serial magnetic resonce angiography inside corory-size nitinol stents.2002
Other PublicationNUCLEAR MEDICINE COMMUNICATIONSEchocardiographic and magnetic resonce methods for diagnosing hiberting myocardium2002
Other PublicationTerashima, M., Keeffe, B. G., Putz, E. J., Yang, P. C., De La Pe-AlmagNTG-enhanced corory MRA: Improved SNR and vasodilation time course2002
Other PublicationTerashima, M., De La Pe-Almaguer, E., Yang, P. C., Hu, B. S., McConnelContrast-enhanced MRI demonstrates acute response to vascular injury2002
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEIn vivo real-time intravascular MRI2002
Other PublicationCORORY ARTERY DISEASEThe diagnosis of congenital corory anomalies with magnetic resonce imaging2001
Other PublicationTerashima, M., De la pe-Almageur, E., yak, K. S., Yang, P. C., Pauly, High-resolution real-time MRI for vascular interventions2001
Other PublicationTerashima, M., De La Pe-Almaguer, E., yak, K., Pauly, J. M., Yang, P. High-resolution real-time magnetic resonce imaging for vascular interventions.2001
Other PublicationCurrent cardiology reportsImaging techniques to predict cardiovascular risk.2000
Other PublicationRivas, P. A., yak, K. S., Kerr, A. B., McConnell, M. V., Yang, P. C., Evaluation of valvular regurgitation2000
Other PublicationJOURL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONCEClinical role of corory magnetic resonce angiography in the diagnosis of anomalous corory arteries2000
Other PublicationJOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGContrast agent-enhanced, free-breathing, three-dimensiol corory magnetic resonce angiography1999
Other PublicationARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGYMRI of rabbit atherosclerosis in response to dietary cholesterol lowering1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYRecovery of regiol right ventricular function after thrombolysis for pulmory embolism1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYEffects of a single, daily alcoholic beverage on lipid and hemostatic markers of cardiovascular1997
Other PublicationChuang, M. L., Chen, M. H., Khasgiwala, V. C., McConnell, M. V., EdelmAdaptive correction of imaging plane position in segmented K-space cine cardiac MRI1997
Other PublicationRADIOLOGYProspective vigator correction of image position for corory MR angiography1997
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYComparison of respiratory suppression methods and vigator locations for MR corory angiography1997
Other PublicationMAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEProspective adaptive vigator correction for breath-hold MR corory angiography1997
Other PublicationAmerican jourl of medicinePathogenic mechanisms of atherosclerosis1996
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF CARDIOLOGYRegiol right ventricular dysfunction detected by echocadiography in acute pulmory embolism1996

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Michael Vincent C Mcconnell, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Medical Specialties
  • Cardiologist (Heart Specialist)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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