Sanjeev Dutta, MD, MA, FRCSC
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Sanjeev Dutta, MD, MA, FRCSC

Surgeon - Pediatric Surgery


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Sanjeev Dutta, MD, MA, FRCSC is a Surgeon - Pediatric Surgery practicing in Stanford, CA

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Provider Training

University of Calgary Fac of MedicineOther DegreeMDNot Specified

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationJourl of the American College of SurgeonsA Prospective Randomized Trial of Ultrasound- vs Landmark2013
Other PublicationNeoreviewsVentral Abdomil Wall Defects
Other Publicationjourl of emergency medicineIntestil malrotation and catastrophic volvulus in infancy.2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYChest wall reconstruction using implantable cross-linked porcine dermal collagen matrix (Permacol)2012
Other PublicationSEMIRS IN PEDIATRIC SURGERYSingle-site umbilical laparoscopic splenectomy2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYA modification of the laparoscopic transcutaneous inguil hernia repair to achieve transfixation2011
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERTIOLSeasol variation of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: a population-based study2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUESGuidelines for Innovation in Pediatric Surgery2011
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONSEffects of a Surgical Skills Boot Camp Reply2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYInstitutiol experience with laparoscopic partial splenectomy for hereditary spherocytosis2010
Other PublicationSURGERYA comparison of laparoscopic and robotic assisted suturing performance by experts and novices2010
Other PublicationParent, R. J., Plerhoples, T. A., Long, E. E., Zimmer, D. M., Teshome,Early, Intermediate, and Late Effects of a Surgical Skills Boot Camp on an Objective Structured2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYStealth surgery: subcutaneous endoscopic excision of benign lesions of the trunk and lower2010
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYOutcomes of sutureless gastroschisis closure2009
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYEarly experience with single incision laparoscopic surgery2009
Other PublicationPEDIATRICSShort- and Long-Term Outcomes of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYNeotal Malrotation with Midgut Volvulus Mimicking Duodel Atresia2009
Other PublicationSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIOL TECHNIQUESTranscutaneous laparoscopic hernia repair in children2009
Other PublicationSURGICAL NEUROLOGYPerioperative magement of ventriculoperitoneal shunts during abdomil surgery2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYStealth surgery: transaxillary subcutaneous endoscopic excision of benign neck lesions2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYLaparoscopic partial vs total splenectomy in children with hereditary spherocytosis2008
Other PublicationSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIOL TECHNIQUESThoracoscopic ligation versus coil occlusion for patent ductus arteriosus2008
Other PublicationTRANSPLANTATIONFactors affecting survival to intestil transplantation in the very young pediatric patient2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITIONAdvances in pediatric minimal access therapy2008
Other PublicationOBESITY SURGERYLaparoscopic adjustable gastric b2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYTransaxillary subcutaneous endoscopic release of the sternocleidomastoid muscle2008
Other PublicationCOMPUTER AIDED SURGERYProviding metrics and performance feedback in a surgical simulator2008
Other PublicationARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINEMultiple magnet ingestion as a source of severe gastrointestil complications requiring surgical2008
Other PublicationMOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGYI-123 MIBG mapping with intraoperative gamma probe for recurrent neuroblastoma2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONStiol trends in adolescent bariatric surgical procedures2008
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYThoracoscopic repair of a type D esophageal atresia2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITIONThe STEP procedure: Defining its role in the magement of pediatric short bowel syndrome2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUESUse of a prosthetic patch for laparoscopic repair of Morgagni diaphragmatic hernia in children2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYLaparoscopic resection of a benign liver tumor in a child2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUESMinimal access portoenterostomy2007
Other PublicationSURGERY FOR OBESITY AND RELATED DISEASESClinical resolution of severely symptomatic pseudotumor cerebri after gastric bypass2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYDouble reverse intestil malrotation: a novel rotatiol anomaly and its surgical correction2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUESIPEG panel on clinical investigation2007
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYProsthetic esophageal erosion after mesh hiatoplasty in a child2007
Other PublicationMEDICINE MEETS VIRTUAL REALITY 15Validating Metrics for a Mastoidectomy Simulator2007
Other PublicationAnls of surgical innovation and researchThe influence of psychological factors on the outcomes of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.2007
Other PublicationSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIOL TECHNIQUESA laparoscopic approach to partial splenectomy for children with hereditary spherocytosis2006
Other PublicationSemirs in pediatric surgerytural orifice translumel endoscopic surgery (NOTES).2006
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYEndoscopic excision of benign forehead masses: a novel approach for pediatric general surgeons2006
Other PublicationSemirs in pediatric surgerySurgical robotics and image guided therapy in pediatric surgery2006
Other PublicationOBESITY SURGERYMethamphetamine use following bariatric surgery in an adolescent2006
Other PublicationPEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCERThe prevention and treatment of bacterial infections in children with asplenia or hyposplenia2006
Other PublicationANLS OF SURGERYTo simulate or not to simulate what is the question?2006
Other PublicationAdvances in surgerySimulation: a new frontier in surgical education.2006
Other PublicationJourl of minimal access surgeryDoes laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication prevent the progression of Barrett's oesophagus?2005
Other PublicationJ Min Access SurgDoes laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication prevent the progression of Barrett's esophagus?2005
Other PublicationJ Pediatr SurgSerial transverse enteroplasty for magement of the proximal dilated segment in jejunoileal atresia.2005
Other PublicationComput Aided SurgThe impact of latency on surgical precision and task completion during telerobotic surgery2005
Other PublicationJOURL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERYThe two-week pediatric surgery rotation: Is it time wasted?2004
Other PublicationAdvances in surgeryMinimal access surgical approaches in infants and children.2004
Other PublicationSurgical EndoscopyOutcome of laparoscopic redo fundoplication2004
Other PublicationSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIOL TECHNIQUESDoes laparoscopic antireflux surgery prevent the occurrence of transient lower esophageal2003
Other PublicationSurg EndoscTherapeutic endolumil laparoscopic resection of a villous adenoma of the duodenum.2003
Other PublicationJourl of the American College of SurgeonsAnd doctor, no residents please!2003
Other PublicationJ. Pediatr. Surg.Total Intracorporeal Resection of Ileocolic Crohn?s Disease in Children2003
Other PublicationWales, P. W., Diamond, I. R., Dutta, S., Muraca, S., Chait, P., ConnolFundoplication and gastrostomy versus image2002
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGERYAn evaluation of study habits of third-year medical students in a surgical clerkship2001
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGERYA ten-year alysis of surgical education research2000
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF SURGERYFactors contributing to success in surgical education research2000
Other PublicationTranspantation ProceedingsLiposomal tacrolimus and intestil drug concentration.1998
Other PublicationJ. of Pharmacological and Toxicological MethodsComputerized data acquisition1993
Other PublicationProceedings of the Western Pharmacology SocietyQuantitation of nitric oxide by a computerized chemiluminescence detector me1993

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Sanjeev Dutta, MD, MA, FRCSC has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


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Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Surgeon - Sub-Specialty: Pediatric Surgery

Years In Practice: 22 (started in 2003)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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