Uri Ladabaum, MD
0 Patient Reviews

Uri Ladabaum, MD

Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist) - General, Internist - General


  • Board Certified


Uri Ladabaum, MD is a Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist) - General, Internist - General practicing in Palo Alto, CA

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Provider Training

University of Ca, San Francisco, School of Medicine, San Francisco CaOther Degree1991

Internship - Stanford University Hospital -Internal Medicine Residency Training Program CA INTERNAL MEDICINE1992
Residency - University Of Mi Hosps & Health Ctrs, GastroenterologyNot Specified
Residency - Stanford Hospital & Clinics1995
Residency - Stanford Hospital & Clinics1994
Residency - University of Michigan Affiliated Hospitals Not Specified
Fellowship - University of Michigan Medical Center MI 1998

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Internal medicine
Sub-Specialty: Gastroenterology
Internal MedicineNot Specified
Internal medicine
Sub-Specialty: Gastroenterology
Internal Medicine1997
Internal medicineInternal Medicine1994

Experience & Accolades

Publication Publisher Title Published
Other PublicationGastrointestil endoscopyOptical biopsy of sessile serrated adenomas2013
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYHealth Benefits and Cost-effectiveness of a Hybrid Screening Strategy for Colorectal Cancer2013
Other PublicationCANCERCost alysis of a patient vigation system to incre2013
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYAn Uncommon Complication of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes2013
Other PublicationCANCERPreferences for outcomes associated with decisions to undergo or forgo genetic testing for Lynch2013
Other PublicationThe American jourl of gastroenterologyClinical and Economic Burden of Emergency Department Visits Due to Gastrointestil Diseases in the
Other PublicationCancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the AmColorectal Cancer Screening with Blood-Based Biomarkers
Other PublicationClinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practUptake of Genetic Testing by Relatives of Lynch Syndrome Probands: a Systematic Review.
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYComparative Effectiveness and Cost2013
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYHow to Value Technological Innovation: A Proposal for Determining Relative Clinical Value2013
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYReal-Time Optical Biopsy of Colon Polyps With rrow B2013
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYProximal and Distal Colorectal Cancer Resection Rates in the United States Since Widespread2012
Other PublicationJAMA-JOURL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONLynch Syndrome in Patients With Colorectal Cancer Finding the Needle in the Haystack2012
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MAGED CAREInfluence of Patient Preferences on the Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Lynch Syndrome2012
Other PublicationJourl of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical OncologyInfluence of patient preferences on the cost-effectiveness of screening for lynch syndrome.2012
Other PublicationCANCERDisparities in cancer screening in individuals with a family history of breast or colorectal cancer2012
Other PublicationJOURL OF CANCER EDUCATIONPreferences for Genetic Testing to Identify Hereditary Colorectal Cancer2012
Other PublicationDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCESCancer-Associated Aorto-Enteric Fistula2012
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYDiagnosis, Comorbidities2012
Other PublicationGENETICS IN MEDICINEEconomic evaluation of targeted cancer interventions: Critical review and recommendations2011
Other PublicationANLS OF INTERL MEDICINEStrategies to Identify the Lynch Syndrome Among Patients With Colorectal Cancer A Cost2011
Other PublicationGASTROINTESTIL ENDOSCOPYThe American Society for Gastrointestil Endoscopy PIVI2011
Other PublicationCLINICAL TRANSPLANTATIONCost-effectiveness of screening for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation2011
Other PublicationCANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTIONCost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening in High-Risk Spanish Patients2010
Other PublicationWORLD JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYRate and yield of repeat upper endoscopy in patients with dyspepsia2010
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYCitalopram Provides Little or No Benefit in Nondepressed Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome2010
Other PublicationDISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUSEsophageal verrucous carcinoma arising from hyperkeratotic plaques2010
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYCost Effectiveness of Ulcerative Colitis Surveillance in the Setting of 5-Aminosalicylates2009
Other PublicationClinical gastroenterology and hepatologyMelanosis coli.2009
Other PublicationCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICSAddressing the Challenges of the Clinical Application of Pharmacogenetic Testing2009
Other PublicationINTERTIOL JOURL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARECan calcium chemoprevention of adenoma recurrence substitute or serve2009
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYCost-Effectiveness of 52008
Other PublicationDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCESColonoscopic treatment of acute diverticular hemorrhage using endoclips2008
Other PublicationALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICSAs tests evolve and costs of cancer care rise2008
Other PublicationGUTWhen even people at high risk do not take up colorectal cancer screening2007
Other PublicationMEDICAL CARETrends in colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening2007
Other PublicationNEUROIMAGEGastric fundic distension activates fronto-limbic structures but not primary somatosensory cortex2007
Other PublicationPreventing chronic diseaseRates and predictors of colorectal cancer screening.2006
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYA patient with high risk of gastrointestil bleeding requiring nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs2006
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYConsensus development conference on the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents2006
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINEColorectal cancer screening - Differential costs for younger versus older Americans2006
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYAmerican gastroenterological association technical review on the evaluation of dyspepsia2005
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYProjected tiol impact of colorectal cancer screening on clinical and economic outcomes and health2005
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYSedation for gastrointestil endoscopy: New practices, new economics2005
Other PublicationNEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITYObstipation as a paraneoplastic presentation of small cell lung cancer2005
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYCost-effectiveness of hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in patients with hepatitis C virus2005
Other PublicationCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYColorectal Neoplasia Screening With Virtual Colonoscopy: When, at What Cost2004
Other PublicationALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICSSerological testing for coeliac disease in patients with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome2004
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYFecal D testing compared with conventiol colorectal cancer screening methods: A decision alysis2004
Other PublicationExpert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes researchPotential cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer chemoprevention with nonsteroidal anti2003
Other Publicationjourl of the Louisia State Medical SocietyEducation does pay off2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF MEDICINEPotential effect of cyclooxygese-2-specific inhibitors on the prevention of colorectal cancer2003
Other PublicationALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICSSafety, efficacy and costs of pharmacotherapy for functiol gastrointestil disorders2003
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF GASTROENTEROLOGYHelicobacter pylori test-2002
Other PublicationGASTROINTESTIL ENDOSCOPYThe yield of lower endoscopy in patients with constipation2002
Other PublicationNEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITYEffect of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor sertraline on gastric sensitivity2002
Other PublicationALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICSReappraisal of non-invasive magement strategies for uninvestigated dyspepsia2002
Other PublicationGASTROINTESTIL ENDOSCOPYPositron emission tomography: the gastroenterologists's perspective2002
Other PublicationCurrent treatment options in gastroenterologyUninvestigated Dyspepsia.2002
Other PublicationANLS OF INTERL MEDICINEAspirin as an adjunct to screening for prevention of sporadic colorectal cancer - A cost2001
Other PublicationLadabaum, U., Fendrick, A. M., Scheiman, J. M.Outcomes of initial noninvasive Helicobacter pylori testing2001
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYGastric distention correlates with activation of multiple cortical and subcortical regions2001
Other PublicationNew England jourl of medicineImages in clinical medicine. Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia.1999
Other PublicationCURRENT OPINION IN GASTROENTEROLOGYMotility of the small intestine1999
Other PublicationDIGESTIVE DISEASESNovel approaches to the treatment of usea and vomiting1999
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-GASTROINTESTIL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGYDifferential 5-HT3 mediation of human gastrocolonic response and colonic peristaltic reflex1998
Other PublicationAMERICAN JOURL OF PHYSIOLOGY-GASTROINTESTIL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGYDifferential symptomatic and electrogastrographic effects of distal and proximal human gastric1998
Other PublicationGASTROENTEROLOGYPotential population-wide impact of aspirin on colon cancer mortality1998

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

Uri Ladabaum, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.


Provider Profile 0Provider Profile 1


Languages Spoken
Medical Specialties
  • Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist)
  • Internist

Internal Medicine

Accepts New Patients: Yes

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