“If you suffer from tinnitus, you need the Urbanek TMJ Splint!”
My experience with Dr. Urbanek and his staff have been awesome. I had tinnitus for 2 years prior to receiving the splint and that was a LONG two years. I was initially seen by 4 different doctors at Vanderbilt Hospital, including a Tinnitus Specialist who claimed that the cause of my discomfort was from loud noise exposure after I told her it wasn't. I also saw an Ear Nose and Throat doctor who was the most candid and stated that he didn't really know how to treat me and suggested that I seek a holistic approach.
Going the holistic route helped more than traditional western medicine but the relief was always temporary. I frequented deep tissue massages, acupuncture, cranio sacral therapy and even had my chiropractor try to find the solution. It wasn't until I was at a routine visit to get my teeth cleaned, that my hygienist pointed out that my bite was misaligned and recommended the Urbanek Splint. At that point I didn't care what it was, I was going to try it. I had already spent thousands of dollars so I thought, "I might as well exacerbate all my options here."
Dr. Urbanek had removed my wisdom teeth years prior and upon entering his office, I was greeted with the same warm welcome as before. He quickly told me exactly what was wrong, how we were going to fix it, what kind of relief I would experience and when I would experience it.
Long story short, I had been clinching my teeth, which led to tinnitus. I suffered through months of only getting a couple hours of sleep, not being able to listen to music, and even having tinnitus flare ups when people said words with an S in it because the ringing was so bad. Dr. Urbanek saved the day and while I wish I had seen him sooner, I thank God that I even saw him at all cause this stuff can drive you crazy.
I want to thank Dr. Urbanek and the Urbanek staff. I can say I really appreciate it until I'm blue in the face but words won't ever express the gratitude I feel from being able to put this behind me.
Comment - “ No More TMJ! ”
Dr. Urbanek and his team has helped me find freedom from pain. I came to Dr. Urbanek after 20 years of headaches, neck pain, jaw pain and a popping jaw. I have tried everything and nothing seemed to work. I was referred to Dr. Urbanek for TMJ. He diagnosed the problem and gave me the tools to fix the problem. I can now say that after his treatment, I am pain free! He and his staff were very professional and he was very attentive to my needs.