“A Life Changing Experience to Better Health.”
I found myself approaching retirement age with more than my share of ailments. Attributing my poor health to "getting older," I wondered what was happening to me: kidney stones, retinal detachments in one eye, shingles, migraines, lower back pain, and then the final blow - my complexion was turning yellow indicating liver problems, How could this be?
I went to my regular dentist to take care of a toothache that had been plaguing me. When the problem was still there after he "fixed it", he sent me to an endodontist. After a 3-D imaging scan was taken, it was discovered I had a root canal that had gone bad, very bad. The infection created from this had been coursing throughout my body for 7 years! I was angry inside and sick. I thought I had been receiving quality dental care. I certainly was spending the money for it. The infection was removed with surgery and antibiotics. But, I still didn't feel well, better, but not healing in a timely manner. That's when I decided to "clean up my act" and seek out a holistic dental caregiver. Afterall, I was under holistic advice from various health professionals for a daily regime of healthy eating and living. This direction was working for me, so, why not seek a dentist who practices an honest, down-to-earth sensibility to teeth?
I did my research, talked to people, some of whom couldn't understand my approach, but, nonetheless, I pushed for more information and decided it was time to meet with Dr. Bill Wolfe. He stood over me with a new 3-D imaging scan in his hands spouting all my maladies before having heard a peep out of me. "You probably have a heart problem as well," he gently broke the news to me. I was blown away! He didn't have any of my records from my other doctors! It was then I knew this was the guy and his staff who were going to seal my health.
Under Dr. Wolfe's oral care plan: removing several amalgams and broken root tips, removal of gold crowns and a wisdom tooth, I am happily finding a more balanced health minus the obstacles. (My heart problem is no longer a problem! as well as all the other symptoms!) Also, I have since been better educated when choosing dental care in other parts of the country to include the science of biogenics.
I am grateful beyond words for having that consultation with Dr. Bill Wolfe and having gone through his regime of oral rehabilitation.
Thank you, dear sir and staff!
Gini Prihoda
Comment - “ The doctor and staff are #1 in my experience. I will never ever go any where else. ”
Dr.Bill Wolfe and staff are # 1, the absolute Best dental office on this Planet!