We offer outpatient programs that meet several times per week and outpatient clinics, to treat depression, mood disorders and other behavioral health issues. We provide care that is safe, effective, confidential and, most of call, tailored to meet your specific needs.
We aim to help participants return to a full and productive life. Under the guidance of physicians and licensed therapists, our specialists can:
We are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call (252) 209-8161.
This practice serves all patients regardless of inability to pay.
Este consultorio presta servicios de cuidado médico a todo paciente independientemente de su capacidad para pagar los servicios.
We promise to not deny services based on a person’s race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or inability to pay.
Al ser un establecimiento de Cuerpo Nacional de Servicios de Salud, prometemos nonegarle servicios a las personas debido a su raza, color, sexo, origen nacional, lugar de origen, incapacidad, religión, edad u orientación sexual.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
Se ofrecen descuentos para los servicios esenciales a los pacientes que califican, de acuerdo con el tamaño de la familia y los ingresos familiares.
We accept insurance, including Medicaid, Medicare and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Aceptamos seguros de salud, incluyendo: Medicaid, Medicare y CHIP (Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños).
For more information, please call ECU Health Behavioral Health - Ahoskie at 252-209-8161.
Para más información, llame a ECU Health Behavioral Health - Ahoskie al 252-209-8161