“Only come here if you are a ready for an emotional roller coaster costing $250+”
After professionally inquiring with the Doctor why some things cannot be done over email or phone, she launched into an emotional tirade about how I don't respect her work, trust her authority, and even threw potshots in that I was "cheap" while rifling dramatically through her files on me. I kept it professional and told her I was just seeking to understand, not attacking her credentials. I wanted to give her one of my xanax at this point because she was very emotional and MEAN. I had my mother in the room that witnessed the whole thing. We both ended up apologizing (I never yelled or insulted her and apologized several times along the way) - but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for professional behavior. She is smart and knows her drugs and how they interact. But ask anything outside the scope of your case (i.e. why billing the way it is) and you may get an over emotional tirade that scares the sh*t out of you. She offered a refund but I did not take it because she is good and earns money like the rest of us. But her emotional rollercoaster response left me reeling. It is $250 /half hour and $495/hr. I was called cheap (mean pot shot) because I express concern about the prices and having enough to see her. THis is where it all went beserk and I had to play doctor to calm her down. I have a second witness to this event. 15 minutes of the 30 minutes was me trying to calm her down to understand I wasn't questioning her professional authority (I do now) but just wanted to understand her protocols on requesting and asking about medication.
Comment - “ deceived ”
this is a person of low character who lied to my son & me who did not respond to emails requesting a reason for her conduct. i apologized to my son for selecting this lady & strongly suggest anyone in need of a doctor look elsewhere. good luck!