“Ive Had The Best Doctors 1 Could Get/Just Bcoz Ur A Doctor/Duznt Mean Ur A Good 1. Dr. Reams Is Great, In My Book.”
degenerative spine. so, 5 back surgeries & (alot) of titanium. best doctors/best insur. titanium was the only way 2 fix the back in 2000. but, nobody knew its long term effects on the body. esp. at 62. I've ALWAYS researched doc's. but my new insur. sent me 2 dr. reams. I'm glad they did. he's not a back specialist. (I am, by now). lol. but he listens 2 me. he understands its more a weather related prob with titanium. i really like dr reams. he also knows this will not defeat me. with his help.
Comment - “ Ive Had The Best Doctors 1 Could Get/Just Bcoz Ur A Doctor/Duznt Mean Ur A Good 1. Dr. Reams Is Great, In My Book. ”
degenerative spine. so, 5 back surgeries & (alot) of titanium. best doctors/best insur. titanium was the only way 2 fix the back in 2000. but, nobody knew its long term effects on the body. esp. at 62. I've ALWAYS researched doc's. but my new insur. sent me 2 dr. reams. I'm glad they did. he's not a back specialist. (I am, by now). lol. but he listens 2 me. he understands its more a weather related prob with titanium. i really like dr reams. he also knows this will not defeat me. with his help.