“Excellent knowledgeable physician”
Dr Pelosi diagnosed my husband on his 1st appt 11/30. My hiusband started late Sept with symptoms of severe lightheadedness, profuse diaphoresis, high BP 220/120 vomiting & inability to ambulate. This required 2 calls for 911/ 2 ER evaluations & overnight stays in local NJ hospital. Cardiologist followed him & eventually I contacted my husband Oncologist, Dr Lewis Rose from Jefferson. who treated my husband's Colon Cancer Stage 3 in 1999. He reviewed medical info I had faxed to him. He returned a call that afternoon...we needed an Nephrologist, an Endocrinologist. We saw Dr Edward Ruby of Jefferson...who worked my husband up & the medical problem was not endocrine. He referred us to Dr Pelosi. We did see an excellent local Nephrologist who did studies to rule out Phenochomocytoma...negative, Local Neurologist did MRI head to rule out brain tumor. It wasn't until we got to Dr Ruby that the medical issues fell into place. We are ever thankful for Dr Pelosi.
Comment - “ great ”
Great visit