Our senses allow us to live life to the fullest. When we experience problems like ear aches, sore throats, allergies and balance disorders, everyday activities are often too much to endure. Outer Banks Health Ear Nose & Throat is a comprehensive specialty practice that serves to diagnose and treat disorders of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck for patients of all ages (newborn to adult). The best news is that this care is available now right here on the Outer Banks.
The staff, audiologist, and physician at Outer Banks Health Ear Nose & Throat are highly skilled and offer a compassionate and patient-centered approach to each case. Services include:
If you are having problems with your ears, nose, or throat, call Outer Banks Health Ear, Nose & Throat.
All requests for healthcare information or copies of healthcare records require a written authorization (Release Of Information Consent Form) completed by you or your legal agent/representative. Due to the confidential nature of personal health information, records cannot be faxed. Requested health information can be obtained through MyChart, emailed via a secure server, sent via the United States Postal Service to the address as indicated by you on your consent form or picked up at Outer Banks Health Ear, Nose & Throat. When picking up records, a form of identification (photo ID preferred) must be presented before the records are released to ensure you (or your legal agent) is the only person(s) obtaining your records.