Outer Banks Health Family Medicine in Kitty Hawk moved to their new location in 2019. Their provider team consists of 1 physician and 2 Family Nurse Practitioners who are dedicated to providing your family (ages 12 and up) with comprehensive, patient-centered care.
Each of the providers are committed to individualized care and take the time to get to know you, your lifestyle, your health background and your health concerns. Their unique attitudes, skills, and knowledge qualify them to provide continuing and comprehensive medical care, health maintenance and preventive services to each member of your family regardless of sex, age or type of problem.
Whether you or a member of your family requires a routine check-up, treatment for minor illness or more comprehensive care we are here to partner with you for your health care needs. We will make recommendations for preventive care as well as treat any current health conditions. We will also refer you to an appropriate specialist or other medical facility if you need specialized diagnostic tests or treatment. We are here to coordinate your care and make sure all of your questions and concerns are addressed.
Bring your insurance card, photo identification and all medications (including over the counter, vitamins and supplements) to your appointment. All co-pays are due at the time of service. Other payments to satisfy deductibles or co-insurance may apply.
All patients are encouraged to enroll in MyChart for test results and communication with the practice.
All requests for healthcare information or copies of healthcare records require a written authorization (Release Of Information Consent Form) completed by you or your legal agent/representative. Due to the confidential nature of personal health information, records cannot be faxed. Requested health information can be obtained through MyChart, emailed via a secure server, sent via the United States Postal Service to the address as indicated by you on your consent form or picked up at Outer Banks Health Family Medicine - Kitty Hawk. When picking up records, a form of identification (photo ID preferred) must be presented before the records are released to ensure you (or your legal agent) is the only person(s) obtaining your records.
The Outer Banks Health Medical Group primary care provider wait list phone number is 252-449-4540.