Review by Anonymous on March 16, 2010 -
Practice - 1401 Memorial Ave Ste C
Office & Staff Evaluation
Practice Evaluation
- Ease of Getting an Appointment
- Courtesy of Practice Staff
- Appearance & Atmosphere of Office
- Handling of Billing & Insurance Not rated
- Average Wait Time Not rated
Provider Evaluation
- Willingness to Spend Time with You
- Listening Skills Not rated
- Clear explanations Not rated
- Trust in Decision Making Not rated
- Accuracy of Diagnosis
- Post-Visit Follow-Up
“Childish, silly, less skill than personality”
When I was in the area before going in to the operating room he drops in wearing a stocking cap with a skull and crossbones on it and cackling some weird laugh -- "Eeeeehhghhh, eeehhhhgghh, eeegghhh!!!" with a pack of overweight nurses in tow, laughing along with him. I could hear the music he blasted in the or and it was rap stuff with incredible obscene words and he kept bragging about it, " I put this one on last night, eeeehhhggghh, eeehhegghh!!" Then he just kept talking about some MTV award show, "didn't ya think Kanye looked fat, eeennhhh, eeehhggghh!" What a bizarre guy. His lap bypasses take 6 + hours when experienced surgeons do them in 3-3.5. HE IS NOT FELLOWSHIP TRAINED IN BARIATRICS. FOR YOUR LIFE CHANGING SURGERY DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SEEK A FELLOWSHIP TRAINED BARIATRIC SURGEON, as well as one who is not an adolescent hip-hop cultured MTV addicted child.
Comment - “ Childish, silly, less skill than personality ”
When I was in the area before going in to the operating room he drops in wearing a stocking cap with a skull and crossbones on it and cackling some weird laugh -- "Eeeeehhghhh, eeehhhhgghh, eeegghhh!!!" with a pack of overweight nurses in tow, laughing along with him. I could hear the music he blasted in the or and it was rap stuff with incredible obscene words and he kept bragging about it, " I put this one on last night, eeeehhhggghh, eeehhegghh!!" Then he just kept talking about some MTV award show, "didn't ya think Kanye looked fat, eeennhhh, eeehhggghh!" What a bizarre guy. His lap bypasses take 6 + hours when experienced surgeons do them in 3-3.5. HE IS NOT FELLOWSHIP TRAINED IN BARIATRICS. FOR YOUR LIFE CHANGING SURGERY DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SEEK A FELLOWSHIP TRAINED BARIATRIC SURGEON, as well as one who is not an adolescent hip-hop cultured MTV addicted child.