“Dr. Naim is exceptional”
Dr. Naim is exceptional, I could not be more impressed by his expertise, the level of care he provides and the professionalism of his office.
Here is my true story: It all started one night when I broke one of my upper front teeth, and soon i realized that the only way i was going to fix that is with an implant and a crown. I have a more complicated dental history and I always look to maintain or improve my smile. As the son of a dentist I was familiar with a few options and on top of that I researched the latest procedures available and I learned as much as I could as quickly as I could. My main concern area had to do with the extraction, implant, abutment, and choice of a temporary during the healing process.
I was looking for a good dentist, a dentist with a strong understand of implants. It took me 4 dentists to locate Dr. Naim and i would say that he is one of the best.
A dentist should have a strong understanding of when to use which type of implant and abutment and temporary. It should NEVER be one receipe for all patients and situations. Many dentists still rarely do implants and when they do you may not be happy with the results or you maybe uncomfortable during the process. Because of their limitations and inexperience you may find yourself at a long term disadvantage and then may have to spend additional money to fix the problem. So for me in finding Dr. Naim i was reassured that i would avoid these problems. I got the feeling that he has the patient's best interest at heart rather then the constant upsell, which happened to me at a previous dentist's office. I was surprised at his level of care and attention to detail from the initial exam to the day of the procedure. I walked away feeling like he was invested in my dental health and was honest about what i really needed to do. From his staff to his technology every is just practical and up to date.
Initial exam: During the initial exam, Dr. Naim impressed me and was able to answer all my questions as technical as they were covering both the procedure i needed, but also had a different issue that came up: I had an older implant that was bugging me and Dr. Naim was able to instantly identify the manufacturer and the problem and offer a solution all in one sentence, interestingly enough other dentists I had consulted with never offered offered ANY solutions.
Temporary Teeth: So there is a healing period during whcih the implant fuses to the bone, for that time frame you need to make a decision that;s helpful to your lifestyle, for me i was unhappy with how my first dentist only gave me a single choice, which was a "flipper". It was upsetting wthat with today's advancements if your dentist still can only offer basic implants with flippers as temporaries. I was thrilled not to have to wear a temporary removable denture for 4 months during the healing process. For my case and lifestyle the choice was a temporary crown made in a dental lab that is supported by the implant itself. I also found out from Dr. Naim that there are many other options all of which i considered and arrived to the temporary crown supported on the implant. Most importantly for me, Dr. Naim took the time and explained what was going on and gave me options which i appreciated.
Procedure: the procedure itself was quick, from extraction of the old remaining root and up to the placement of the implant the whole process took about 45 minutes but that may vary depending on your conditions.
For any dentist the office is an important success factor. i would say that the office is really well run. A big difference in a dentists life is made by the office staff. I found the office staff very knowledgeable and helpful even when i needed my Xrays from another dentist and they actually called for me. Also the office staff is good about maintaining contact and calling you.
I found a reliable dentist who truly cares about his patients and their needs. While I only initially came in to handle one implant in fact I realized that i was establishing a long term relationshipo with a dentist for my needs.
Thank you Dr. Naim I have done extensive research for the right dentist for my implants ... very happy to have found you
Comment - “ Very thorough and cared for ”
I felt like I could trust their care and I felt safe