“Making People a Better Version of Themselves ”
Making people a better version of themselves is something a very wise, passionate, open, honest and very trustworthy doctor told me when managing my expectations of procedure results. This same doctor demonstrated to me that what is in the patients best interest is at the forefront and well ahead of financial gain, a virtue that is very hard to come by these days. This person is Dr Giese. I had the Buccal Fat Pad Removal along with the Sub-mental, Neck, and Lower Jaw Liposuction. The procedures were painless with very minimal swelling, zero bruising and recovery time needed. Thus, the day after my procedures I was out to dinner with friends. My results were amazing and looked natural as if i had just lost weight. Most importantly the procedures gave me my self-confidence and esteem back and I am forever grateful for Dr Giese. Thank you! This was an investment in myself and I can honestly say there are no words to express how great the return was and it is permanent! Dr Giese is a wonderful person and doctor whom I would wholeheartedly recommend to my family, friends and any individual thinking of having these procedures done. In life there is a saying when you meet a unique and special person in life you know, well I am very fortunate to have Dr Giese a part of my life's journey. Thank you Dr Giese!
Comment - “ Awesome results ”
I loved the surgery experience and six years later I'm still loving it. Scar healed perfectly as well.