“Daughter in need of phase one orthodontics ”
My daughter lost her teeth early. My 6-7 years old, with a mouthful of crooked teeth Dr Carla told me about phase one orthodontics. I had no idea it existed. It turned out that my daughter needed a palate expander. While orthodontic treatment is not for all kids at that age, the time to act was between these teeth falling out and the next round of teeth falling out. Certainly made the right recommendation for my child, who is now 9 with beautiful teeth. Surely, she might need braces as a teen but this helped us get through these awkward years. As it is, she is very tall for her age, so is self conscious about that. With girls, self esteem is so important to their overall success. So she is happy with her appearance and did not have to wait until 13-14 to get the ortho work done. Many dentists would suggest waiting, but I appreciated Dr Carla's being proactive and helping my daughter feel great about herself.
Comment - “ Dr. Carla is my son favorite doctor ever! ”
My Son loves her and always looking forward to visit the office. Wonderful.