“She changed the entire way I view the integration of my teeth and jaw.”
The American healthcare system needs to support more Doctors like Dr. Torres, who focus on the root of a problem, rather than prescribing ineffective and addictive pain medications. I would have never known that tongue movement affected breathing if I hadn't come here. As an adult of 28, years, to know that my tongue has been tied since I was a baby was eye opening. Chronic pain, migraines, general anxiety are often thought to be psycho-social and not organic. She proved my wrong. I'm just at the beginning stages of treatment and already feel better. Insurance companies are not encouraging the pursuit of TMJ joint disorders as a genuine cause treat. And that is a travesty. Even the ENT I went to wanted to treat my jaw pain with botox. Rather than help me align my mouth. Considering the benefits, the price has been more than reasonable. I just wish more people knew about the quality of life changes possible. The first 4 dentists I went to had no idea how to treat my pain.
Comment - “ para mi hacido un exselente trabajo ”
estoy muy sastifecho por su trabajo