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What are the benefits of signing up?

Check Mark Icon Control the accuracy of your information
Check Mark Icon Be included in partner directories
Check Mark Icon Expand your digital practice with VirtualVisit™

Frequent Questions FAQs

Is it really free?

Yes! We are paid by our partners to keep our directory up to date. We do have additional paid offerings for physicians looking to be more competitive with their online presence, but claiming & updating your profile is completely free!

Why do you need my email?

We need your email to authenticate that it's really you and to provide updates about your profile. Your email address also becomes your login, so you can come back and update your data at any time.

What is this data used for?

Our partners, including many leading healthcare directories, rely on our network of providers for accurate data to power their directories.

What are your paid offerings?

You can learn more about the products and services we charge for by going to

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People have such positive things to say about the telemedicine experience. Building my reputation through ReviewRequest has been excellent. Endocrinologist, NY
Overall, VirtualVisit has been a big benefit, and it's worked very well. We've been very happy. Pain Management Specialist, WA
I've seen repeat users through VirtualVisit as well as new patients - which means I have been adding new patients to my practice following the reopening of my office. Dermatologist, PA
People have such positive things to say about the telemedicine experience. Building my reputation through ReviewRequest has been excellent. Endocrinologist, NY
Overall, VirtualVisit has been a big benefit, and it's worked very well. We've been very happy. Pain Management Specialist, WA
I've seen repeat users through VirtualVisit as well as new patients - which means I have been adding new patients to my practice following the reopening of my office. Dermatologist, PA, a Press Ganey Solution is part of Press Ganey, a leading provider of patient experience measurement, performance analytics and strategic advisory solutions for health care organizations across the continuum of care.