Dr. Kenneth Hughes, MD
50 Patient Reviews

Dr. Kenneth Hughes, MD

Plastic, Reconstructive, and Cosmetic Surgeon - General


  • Board Certified
  • Accepts Insurance Plans
  • Has Online Scheduling


Dr. Kenneth Hughes is a Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs liposuction, liposuction 360, liposculpture, liposuction revision, tummy tuck or ab… Read more ›

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Office Hours

  • Mon:8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tue:8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wed:8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thu:8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Fri:8:00am - 5:00pm

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Experience with provider was great…

Vanessa R.

Provider Training

Harvard UniversityBachelors DegreeBiological Sciences with Honors1999
University of Alabama School of MedicineMedical DegreeMD with Honors2004

Internship - Kansas University Medical CenterPlastic Surgery2005
Residency - University of Kansas Medical CenterPlastic Surgery2010
Fellowship - Harvard Medical SchoolCosmetic Plastic Surgery2011

CertificationCert. BodyYear
Plastic Surgery2012

Experience & Accolades

Junior ProfessorBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, completed an aesthetic and cosmetic fellowship at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes instructed residents in plastic surgery principles as well.
2010 - 2011

Professional MemberAmerican Board of Plastic Surgery
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Achieved Board Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery in 2012. The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the only certifying board in the United States for cosmetic surgery. There is no other recognized board.
2012 - Present
Professional MemberCalifornia Medical Association
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, has written a resolution and been active in recruiting doctors and lawmakers to improve the situation for doctors and surgeons alike in the state of California.
Contributor, Presenter, AuthorInternational Society of Office Based Surgery
Dr. Kenneth Hughes has delivered several presentations for the International Society of Office Based Surgery, founded by Harvard Medical School faculty. ISOBS focuses on safety in ambulatory surgery centers outside of the hospitals.
2010 - Present
Professional MemberAlpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society - AOA
Dr. Kenneth Hughes is a member of the National Honor Society for the best medical students in the country. This honor is bestowed upon the top 10% of doctors in the United States.
2003 - Present
Top 100 MemberTop 100 Registry
Dr. Kenneth Hughes achieved recognition in 2020 for being among the 100 best doctors in the United States by the Top 100 registry. Dr. Kenneth Hughes achieved this honor in 2019 as well.
2020 - Present
Best Plastic Surgeon in Los AngelesVimgo
Dr. Kenneth Hughes was voted among the top 21 plastic surgeons in Los Angeles by Vimgo. Dr. Kenneth Hughes was further honored by being selected as the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles.
2020 - Present

Dr. Kenneth Hughes Top Plastic Surgeons in Los Angeles 2019https://topplasticsurgeonreviews.com
Realself Hall of Fame Dr. Kenneth HughesRealself
Dr. Kenneth Hughes First to Offer Bodytite in Los Angeleshttps://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dr-kenneth-b-hughes-among-fir
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Top Liposuction Doctors in Los Angeleshttps://plasticsurgeryfact.com/best-liposuction-doctor-in-los-angeles/
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Top 3 Plastic Surgeons in Los AngelesThree Best Magazine, 2017
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Realself 100 awarded Realself.com
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Best Ear Surgeons in Los Angeles and Beverly HillsCosmetic Town 2018
Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Los Angeles and Beverly HillsCosmetic Town 2017
Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Los Angeles and Beverly HillsCosmetic Town 2017
Best Breast Surgeons in Los AngelesCosmetic Town 2017
Best Eyelid Surgery Doctors in Los AngelesCosmetic Town 2017
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted Best Plastic Plastic Surgeon in Los AngelesBest 21 Plastic Surgeons in Los Angeles2020
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted Best Plastic Plastic Surgeon in Los AngelesThree Best Rated Plastic Surgeons In Los Angeles2018-2020
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted Best Plastic Plastic Surgeon in Los AngelesKevin's Best Plastic Surgeons 2019
Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted Top Plastic Surgeon Top Plastic Surgeons2019

Publication Publisher Title Published
Online ArticlePR logSmoking's Effect on Plastic Surgery Complications Including Flap Death, Fat Necrosis, Wound Healing2019
Online ArticlePR logComing Back From a Near Death Experience with Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon2019
Online ArticlePR logSilicone and Biopolymer Injection and Patient Deaths by Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesIs Bad Scarring the Result of Bad Surgery?
Online ArticlePRlogDoctor Suicide Attempts and Deaths on the Rise2019
Online ArticlePR logDr. Kenneth Hughes removes fat necrosis (fat death)2019
Online Articlehttp://drkennethhughes.org/the-best-foods-to-feed-your-muscles/The Best Foods to Feed Your Muscles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesThe Health Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesDebunking Common Myths About Plastic Surgery2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesCosmetic Surgery and Cancer Patients2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesWhat to Know Before Getting Liposuction2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesMinimally Invasive Procedures Help you Look Your Best for the New Year2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesSimple Ways to Stay in Shape for Life2019
Online ArticlePR logIs Your Surgeon a Liposuction Expert? How Do You Know?2019
Online ArticleFindatopdocDr. Kenneth Hughes on How to Select Your Plastic Surgeon
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesEvaluating Plastic Surgery Patients for Risk of Blood Clot2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesRhinoplasty without the Scars with Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesLos Angeles Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Reports on NEW Brazilian Buttlift Technique2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesHow to Become a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon2019
Online ArticleDr. Kenneth HughesSo You Want to Become a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon?2019
Medical/Scholarly Journal ArticlePubMedAcellular dermal matrices in breast surgery: a comprehensive review2013
Online ArticleTop DocFat Death and Dead Fat Removal with Dr. Kenneth Hughes2020

Practice & Hospital Affiliations

  • Hughes Plastic Surgery Center
       Los Angeles, California - 90095
  • Olympia Medical Center
       Los Angeles, California - 90095
  • Saint John's hospital
       Santa Monica, California - 90404


Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon 0Inferior Buttock Lift or Inferior Butt Lift or Posterior Thigh Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 1Harvard University Training of Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 2Liposuction and Brazilian buttlift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 3Liposuction 360 with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 4Tummy Tuck with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 5Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Selected as Best Plastic Surgeons in Los Angeles 6Breast Augmentation with Implants or Fat Transfer with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 7Breast Augmentation with Implants or Fat Transfer with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 8Tummy Tuck with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 9Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes at Hughes Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles 10Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Voted to Realself 100 in 2016 11Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Voted to Realself 100 in 2015 12Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Voted Best Eyelid Doctor in Los Angeles 13Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes Voted to Elite Doctor by Cosmetic Town 14Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes American Board of Plastic Surgery Award 15Mommy Makeover with Tummy Tuck with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles  16Liposuction and Brazilian Buttlift or BBL with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 17Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted to Breast Surgery Doctors in Los Angeles 18Dr. Kenneth Hughes Voted Best Rhinoplasty Doctor in Beverly Hills 19Dedicated Operating Room Air Handler at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgical Center in Los Angeles 20Backup Power Generator at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgical Center in Los Angeles 21Medical Gas Enclosure at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgical Center in Los Angeles 22Recovery Room at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgical Center in Los Angeles 23Office Lattice at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgery Center in Los Angeles 24Operating Room at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgical Center in Los Angeles 25UV light filters at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgery Center in Los Angeles 26Dr. Kenneth Hughes Harvard Medical School Aesthetic Fellowship Diploma 27Dr. Kenneth Hughes Harvard University Diploma 28Tummy Tuck with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 29Male tummy tuck with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 30Dr. Kenneth Hughes Helps Patients Understand Plastic Surgery 31Postoperative Result of Liposuction by Dr. Kenneth Hughes in Los Angeles 32How Liposuctioned Fat Appears Every Day at Dr. Kenneth Hughes's Surgery Center in Los Angeles 33Liposuction and Brazilian Buttlift Results with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 34Butt Implant Revision (400 cc implants to 712 cc round implants) with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 35Butt Implant Placement (600 cc round implants) with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 36Liposuction and Brazilian buttlift with dead fat or fat death removal with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 37Harvard Training with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 38Liposuction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes in Los Angeles 39Breast Augmentation with Silicone Breast Implants or Breast Fat Transfer with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 40Liposuction and Brazilian buttlift or BBL Revision with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 41Liposuction and Brazilian buttlift or BBL Revision with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 42Breast Augmentation with Silicone Breast Implants or Breast Fat Transfer with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 43Dr. Kenneth Hughes Selected as Best Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles 44Tummy Tuck with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 45Brazilian Butt Lift with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 46Brazilian Butt Lift with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 47Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 48Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 49Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 50Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 51Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes with dead fat or fat death removal 52Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 53Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 54Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 55Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 56Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 57Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 58Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 59Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 60Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 61Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 62Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 63Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes in Los Angeles 64Butt Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 65Calf Augmentation & Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 66Calf Augmentation & Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 67Calf Augmentation & Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 68Calf Augmentation & Implants Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 69Liposuction Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 70Liposuction Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 71Liposuction Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 72Liposuction Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 73Liposuction Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 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Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 90Tummy Tuck Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 91Tummy Tuck Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 92Thigh Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 93Thigh Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 94Thigh Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 95Lip Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 96Brow Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 97Brow Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 98Brow Lift with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 99Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 100Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 101Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 102Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 103Facelift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 104Facelift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 105Facelift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 106Neck Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 107Neck Lift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 108Facial Grafting and Stem Cell Rejuvenation Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 109Facial Grafting and Stem Cell Rejuvenation Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 110Facial Grafting and Stem Cell Rejuvenation Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 111Facial Grafting and Stem Cell Rejuvenation Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 112Rhinoplasty Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 113Rhinoplasty Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 114Rhinoplasty Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 115Rhinoplasty with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 116Ear Correction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 117Otoplasty or Ear Correction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 118Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 119Chin Implant and Chin Liposuction with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 120Chin Implant with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 121Rhinoplasty, Chin Implant, Chin Liposuction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 122Chin Liposuction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 123FaceTite with Dr. Kenneth Hughes 124Breast Augmentation (Implants) with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 125Breast Augmentation (Implants) with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 126Breast Augmentation (Implants) with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 127Breast Augmentation (Implants) with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 128Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 129Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 130Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 131Breast Augmentation and Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 132Breast Augmentation and Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 133Breast Augmentation and Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 134Breast Augmentation and Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 135Breast Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 136Breast Reduction and Breast Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 137Breast Reduction and Breast Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 138Breast Reduction and Breast Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 139Breast Reduction and Breast Lift with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 140Breast Augmentation Revision with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 141Breast Augmentation Revision with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 142Breast Augmentation Revision with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 143Breast Reconstruction and Breast Deformity Correction with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 144Breast Reconstruction and Breast Deformity Correction with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 145Breast Reconstruction and Breast Deformity Correction with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 146Inverted Nipple Correction by Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 147Brazilian buttlift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 148Brazilian buttlift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 149Brazilian buttlift Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 150Butt Implant Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 151Tummy Tuck Los Angeles with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes 152Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs liposuction and Brazilian buttlift 153Dr. Kenneth Hughes voted Best Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles by Three Best Rated 154Dr. Kenneth Hughes voted Best Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles by Wimgo 155Dr. Kenneth Hughes voted Best Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles 156Dr. Kenneth Hughes Selected Top 100 Doctors in United States 157Dr. Kenneth Hughes Selected to Top 100 Doctors in United States  158


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Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Medical Specialties
  • Plastic, Reconstructive, and Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, performs liposuction, tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, mommy makeover, Brazilian butt lift, butt implants, arm lift, thigh lift, breast implants, breast lift, Bodytite, facelift.

Years In Practice: 21 (started in 2004)

Accepts New Patients: Yes

Dr. Hughes specializes in treating the following types of patients:

  • Adults
  • Athletes
  • Elderly and Geriatric Patients
  • Veterans

Medical Philosophy: Traditional Medicine

Accepted Insurance

Full Insurance List

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